it has been a long time that i never been to Siam Reap. i can say 8 years from my Rith’s wedding. last time i went there with my co-worker for my boss Grand opening the status of Samdach Choun Nat in Kulen mountain. i didn’t have time to have a look for anything. I dream to hiring a guide to tell us about the stories of Angkor Wat temple. This time my husband make my dream come true. we have only 3 days and 2 night over there. I know it’s short, but it’s worth to enjoy the stories and the view of Angkor Wat temple 🙂 we didn’t book for the hotel and the guide. Luckily, our co-worker can book for us and we also found one guide to show us. however, he is not a professional one. I am so happy and can’t wait to explore it.
Day 1, we spend the whole day on road trip, cause we left Phnom Penh at 3 PM 🙁 we arrive the hotel very late. around 10 PM
Day 2, in the morning, we are going to discover Angkor Wat temple 🙂 then we have lunch at Sras Srong

After lunch, we are head to Ta Prom Mountain. it’s a long road entering the temple. it’s about the trees and temples. we learn a lot of stories about it. it’s interesting 🙂

After that we have short time left, cause it almost dinner time. so we just drive around Grand and Small round. we also stop at Angkor Thom to take some photos

we are go back to hotel to have a bath, caue this evening we are going to meet bong phorn family at Pub Sheet. we had dinner together and we also doing foot massage over there too.

Day 3: in the morning, we went to meet my mother in law’s family who live in saim reap. one of them just from Australia to visit too. my mother in law also come with bong Trong’s family. we meet each other. we all have lunch together, and we are going back to Phnom Penh after that.
introduce my hubby niece. they are an outstanding student.