Happy children’s day

ថ្ងៃនេះជាទិវាសិទ្ធិកុមារ​ កូនចេញពីរៀន​ តាមពិតគ្មានបំណងយកគាត់ទៅណាទេ​ ព្រោះមួយរយះនេះឈឺពេក​ តែដោយសារថ្ងៃនេះជាថ្ងៃពិសេសរបស់គាត់​ ទេីបខ្ញុំយកពួកគាត់ទៅ​ playground នៅAeon2  ។ ឃេីញកូនៗសប្បាយចិត្ត​ ខ្ញុំក៏សប្បាយចិត្តដែល​ បន្ទាប់មកកូនវឌ្ឍនះសុំជិះរថយន្ដមួយជុំទេីបព្រមទៅផ្ទះ​ ☺


Christmas around corner

កូនណាក់​ កូនស័ក្កិ​ ចង់មេីល  santa ល្ងាចនេះខ្ញុំបាននាំកូនដេីរមេីលភ្លេីង​ និង​ ជិះជុំវិញភ្នំពេញ​ កន្លែងដែរគេតុងតែងសំរាប់ថ្ងៃ​ christmas ☺☺☺

Khmer New Year be like

រយះពេល៦ថ្ងៃនៃថ្ងៃចូលឆ្នាំខ្មែរ​ ពិតជាហត់មែន​ ព្រោះកូនឈឺ​ ហើយគ្មានអ្នកជួយមើលទៀត​ ។ ការងារជាម្ដាយពិតជាច្រើនមែន​ ហត់​ តែជាតួនាទី​ សំណាងហើយមានបងប្អូននាំគ្នាមកជួយមើល​ កុំអីប្រាកដជាដង្ហើមចង្រិតម្ដងៗហើយ​ ។  ណាមួយវឌ្ឍន:ឈឺត្រូវថែទាំ​ យកទៅពេទ្យ​ ណាមួយដាក់កូនបែកបន្ទប់ព្រោះខ្លាចឆ្លងគ្នា​ អត់មានមនុស្សជួយហើយ​ ត្រូវដាក់បន្ទប់ពីរផ្សេងគ្មាទៀត។  ផែនការទៅក្រវ៉ាញអោយគេជួយមើលត្រូវលុបចោល​ នៅផ្ទះព្រោះងាយស្រួលថែទាំ​ សំណាងហើយ​ប្ដីទៅក្រៅរកបង្កងអោយញាុំយោង​ ប្ដីខ្ញុំគាត់ធុញអត់បានទៅណា​ ហើយគាត់ជាមនុស្សអត់សូវចេះមើលកូន​ ជួយអត់បានអីច្រើនទេ។  ៦ថ្ងៃបញ្ចប់ដោយហត់នឿយ​ ចឹងបានថាអត់គេពិបាក​ 😂😂😂

My last appointment

Today I have appointment with my doctor. There are many question to ask before delivery date. Me and my husband already decide to take 27 August is my due date. Before I meet my doctor, there is a heartbeat check up. The nurse bring me to another room. At that room, there is a monitor and I have to lay down on bed. There is a belt to wrap on to my belly. The nurse said she will put around 30 min. After done, I will see my doctor after that. 30 min is passs, the result of checking come. The nurse said I got contraction very often. This is my first time, so I am not really get what is contraction feel. I alway follow my doctor give me direction how to count it. But everyday I count only a few contraction, cause I don’t know about it. After the nurse report to my doctor,  my doctor ask to check again. So I lay down another 1 hour to make sure. The result still the same. My doctor told I will give birth tonight or tomorrow. After I hear that, I feel nervous. My hand keeps shaking and my blood pressure over 200. I decide to stay in hospital, cause I don’t know what is going to happen next. In hospital the nurse keep put the belt on me, taking my blood to check, and checking my blood pressure. Since I am so nervous and worry about the time I will do c-section, my doctor call me he told me not to think about anything Just relax. Tomorrow I will do c-section on 8 am and I will see my twin face. I stop worry about the time from ចិនសែ ឫ ក៏លោក . All I need to do is rest well and prepare myself for tomorrow. My husband sleep next to me and give me encouragement.

good night my last day of pregnancy


ខ្ញុំនៅថៃបាន ២ អាទិត្យហើយ ។ បងគន្ធទើបមានពេលមកលេង ព្រោះគាត់រវល់ធ្វើការណាស់ ។ ឃើញប្ដីហត់នឿយ ពិតជាអាណិតប្ដីណាស់ ។ អោយតែពេលញាុំអីហើយ ដឹងតែងងុយដេក ។ ព្រោះនៅភ្នំពេញ គេងអត់សូវលក់ ទោះជារយះពេល គាត់មកលេងបានតិចក្ដី ក៏អាចរសាយការនឹកខ្លះរបស់ពួកយើង ។ យើងមិនបានចេញទៅក្រៅទេ ព្រោះគាត់មកបានខ្លីណាស់ បានតែ ១ថ្ងៃកន្លះ ដូច្នេះ យើងចំណាយពេលនៅជាមួយគ្នាអោយបានច្រើន មើលកុន មើលកំប្លែង អានសៀវភៅ ញាុំបាយ ចុះទៅក្រោមខនដូអង្គុយយកខ្យល់ឱកាស។ ពេលវេលាពិតជាលឿនណាស់ បងប្រាប់ទ្រាំបន្ដិចទៅ ជិតដល់ថ្ងៃហើយ យើងនឹងបឋនឃើញកូនប្រុសដល់ឃ្ចូត ២ នាក់របស់យើង  😍😍😍

ហត់ហើយ គេងទៅ





Waiting to give birth in thailand

today is the day that I have to come and stay in thailand one month ahead before I give birth. My mom and my maid are accompany me while I Am stay in thailand. I rent a condo 10 min from the Bangkok hospital. The condo is nice. There are 8 building around. Swimming pool is on 6 floor of the condo. The condo I rent has two bed rooms and two bath room. We arrive safe and sound. Starting my day in thailand from now on until my babies come out and we need to stay another month for our babies can fit to fly come back.

My pregnancy photos

finally my pregnancy photos is come. I can’t wait to see it is good or not. There are several photos are good. I love it. This is my first experience to take this kind of photos. It is a memory for our kids. When they grow up, they will see how big my belly is when I carry both of them. I got a lot of stretch mark. Never mind! What I deserve is my two handsome a little boys. I can’t wait to see them. Wonder how they look like. Wonder how they look like me or my husband. I can’t wait to spend the day with them. I can’t wait to start my little family. Me, my husband and my kids. Our family will grow more, cause we still have our baby girl after that. He he … thinking of it I feel very happy.

Check out some of photos


លោកប្ដីខ្ញុំមិនងាយប្រើទេ តែតាំងពីមានកូន គាត់បានធ្វើអីសំរាប់ខ្ញុំដែលគាត់មិនដែលធ្វើពីមុនឡើយ។ ថ្ងៃនេះគាត់បានជួយកាត់ក្រចកជើងអោយខ្ញុំ ។ ពិតជាជំនាញមែន កាត់គ្មានអោយសល់ក្រចកបន្ដិចសោះឡើយ ខ្លាចឆាប់ដុះទៀត ប្រពន្ធនឹងប្រើទៀត 😂😂😂

ពេលកូនធំ អូននឹងប្រាប់កូនយើង ថាបងធ្វើអីខ្លះពេលអូនពពោះ ពួកគេ

Thailand calling

This time go to thailand, we have two important things to finish. One is go to France embassy in thailand and second is go to Bangkok hospital for follow my pregnant check up. We stay in centana grand as usual, but this time Hea christain also come with us. We ask him to come for help to go to France embassy in thailand. Our flight is a very late night flight, so we just check in and sleep. Tomorrow we go to France embassy in thailand. Everything is easy and clear about the documents, so I don’t worry about my babies documents anymore. The rest of the work is for my husband. He is the one who take all the document go there after I am give birth. After that we go to shopping at saim paragon, my husband alway love to see the watch and brand shoes. He buy one LV shoes. We have Italian food for lunch. I am find it is delicious. Will come again next time. Tonight we have dinner at the top of centana grand hotel. We choose Spain foods, it is quiet interesting to me. We all very full after a big meal. On third day, we just go to see our lovely doctor. After checking everything is fine. Our babies are healthy. Doctor just give some medicine for continue to take. Then we just go to airport.