
ថ្ងៃនេះយេីង​គ្មានគំរោងទៅណាទេ​ យេីងខុសណាត់ជាមួយពេទ្យកាលពីម្សិលមិញ​ កុំអីប្ដីបានសុងក្រពះបាត់ហេីយ។  ដូច្នេះដេីរshoppingនៅផ្សារជិតកន្លែងយេីងគេង​ ។  បានស្បែកជេីងម្នាក់​ ១​ ២​ គូអីដែល​ ហេីយយេីងក៏ទៅរកអីញាុំក្នុងផ្សារ។

ក្រោយពីទិញបានរបស់ដែលយេីងត្រូវការរួចរាល់ហេីយ​ យេីងក៏ត្រលប់ទៅអូតែលវិញ​ ដេីម្បីសំរាកមួយភ្លែត​ ព្រោះល្ងាចនេះយេីងទៅញាុំomakaseផង

ក្ដីសុខក្នុងការshopping 😀

អាហារពេលល្ងាចរបស់យេីងបានកក់ទុកមុន​ ម្ហូបឆ្ងាញ់អាចមកម្ដងទៀតបាន😊


ថ្ងៃនេះយេីងមកcheck up នៅមន្ទីរពេទ្យបាងកក​ ក្រោយពីខាតcheck​អស់2ឆ្នាំមកនេះ​ ។  យេីងចំណាយពេលមួយថ្ងៃពេញសំរាប់ធ្វេីការនេះ​ ហេីយនៅតែអត់បានជួបពេទ្យម្នាក់ទៀត។  លទ្ធផល​ មិនសូវជាល្អ​ ប៉ុន្មានទេ​ ដូច្នេះសង្ឃឹមលោកប្ដីធ្វេីការកែប្រែវិញ​ ☺




Going to thailand

ថ្ងៃនេះយេីងធ្វេីដំណេីរទៅថៃ​ ដេីម្បីcheck up នឹងសួរទាក់ទងនឹងផែនការយកកូនស្រីរបស់យេីង​ ។ អារម្មណ៏ខ្ញុំតែងតែស្រស់ស្រាយអោយតែបានដេីរលេង​ 😂

យេីងបានជួលឡានមួយ​ជូនពួកយេីងពេលនៅថៃ​ ។  ទៅដល់ភ្លាមគឺ​ shoppIng តែម្ដង​ យេីងឆ្ពោះទៅ​siam paragon

That watch is on my wish list ☺

បន្ទាប់មកយេីងមកញាុំអីនៅហាងម្ហូបអុីតាលីមួយ​ អោយតែយេីងមកផ្សារនឹង​ ដឹងតែមកញាុំនៅនឹងហេីយ

ល្ងាចនេះយេីងកក់ទៅញាុំហាងមួយ​ ចំណាត់ថ្នាក់ផ្កាយ២នៅថៃ​ ឈ្មោះហាង​ mezzaluna។  ជឿអត់បេីខ្ញុំថា​ គ្មានគ្ហូបមួយមុខណាដែលត្រូវចិត្តពួកខ្ញុំ​ 😂😂😂 ម្ហូបផ្កាយ២នេះ​ ញាុំអត់ឆ្ងាញ់ទេ​  ស្ដាយលុយ

សៀមរាប​ ទឹកដីអង្គរ

ថ្ងៃនេះក្រុមគ្រួសារយេីងបានទៅសៀមរាប​ យេីងបានឈប់នៅកំពង់ធំញាុំអាហារថ្ងៃត្រង់​ ម្ហូបឆ្ងាញ់ៗជាច្រេីនមុខ​ ញាុំរហូតទាល់តែសល់ហេីយខ្ចប់​ ទេីបសុខចិត្ត​ 😂

បន្ទាប់មកយេីងធ្វេីដំណេីរទៅខេត្តសៀមរាប​ យេីងស្នាក់នៅអូតែលឈ្មោះ​ Anantara យេីងទៅដល់ប្រហែលម៉ោង​ ៣​ ល្ងាច​ ។ check in រួច​ ចូលតាមបន្ទប់រៀងៗខ្លួន​ ☺

បន្ទាប់មកយេីងទៅញាុំ​ afternoon tea រួចក៏ចេញដំណេីរជិះមេីលប្រាសាទ


កូនរពិលរបស់ខ្ញុំ​ នៅមិនដែលស្ងៀមទេ IMG_0413​  


Siem reap day 2

ថ្ងៃនេះយេីងមានគំរោងទៅលេងនៅកំពង់ភ្លុក​ យេីងបានជួលទូកមួយសំរាប់ជិះតែក្រុមគ្រួសារយេីង​ កំពង់ភ្លុកជាកន្លែងទេសចរណ៏មួយ​ មេីលទេសភាពនៅលេីទឹក​ និង​ ការរស់នៅរបស់ប្រជាជននៅលេីទឹក​ នេះជាលេីកទី១​ ដែលខ្ញុំទៅលេងនៅទីនោះ​ យេីងបានជួល​ guideម្នាក់និយាយពីប្រវត្តិអោយស្ដាប់ផងដែរ​

3 days mission

since I am into real estates business, I always busy. today we have 3 days mission at province. first day we went to Siam Reap. our goal to see the land that our cousin Kouk recommend. I also take this chance let real estates staff to bring us to see other lands. we arrive Siam reap around 2:30 pm. we go to see the land that kouk recommend first, but I don’t really like it. then bong smey (real estates staff) bring us to see many lands. the land that he bring us is quiet interesting, but a bit pricy. tonight we stay at my brother in law’s niece hotel. the hotel location near pub street. we having dinner at Tell restaurant and we end up to eat dessert along the street. so delicious.

second day we head to Poy Pet. we meet some of our relative over there. they bring us to see some land, but it is really expensive. we have lunch together at Lafiya island. the food is good and spicy. then we continue our road to Palin province where we need to see my sister land over there. she never has a chance to see her land. don’t know the price is up so high. hehe…. Palin is beautiful province around by mountains. we visit Lok Yeay Yat. it is my first time been there too. the pagoda is very beautiful. I will bring my kids and my husband here one day. we didn’t stay long, cause we need to go to Battambong to sleep over there. when we arrive battambong, we having soup for dinner. it is so delicious.

the third day is rest day. we get up and have Baseak noodle soup next to battambong market. then we go to ride Lori. it is fun but it is hot as well. it time to go back home. I am really miss my husband and my twin.


prince manor with family

Prince Manor is new place for cambodian people. it is not far from phnom penh. only 1 hour something we can arrive there. It is a beautiful place to enjoy with family. there are many fun stuffs we can ride. however, my kids are too small to ride that. we have only a few option to enjoy. the weather is very good at the evening. we can enjoy fresh air next to mekong river.

here are some photos we took.


Relax and car

ថ្ងៃនេះខ្ញុំធ្វើការសំរេចចិត្តដល់ធំមួយ គឺទិញសំបុត្រទៅអាមេរិកល្ងាចនេះ ហើយទៅស្អែក ។ មុនដំបូងខ្ញុំថា អត់ទៅទេ ព្រោះចាំទៅជាមួយលោកប្ដី តែដល់គិតសុខសុខទៅចង់ទៅលេងជុំបងប្អូន ព្រោះមិនដឹងយូរប៉ុណ្ណាបានជុំគ្នាទៀត ម៊ីម៊ីបានសិទ្ធិទៅនៅអាមេរិក ចំណែកខ្ញុំគំរោងឆ្នាំក្រោយយកកូនទៀត ដូច្នេះមិនដឹងពេលណាបានជុំគ្នាដើរលេងជុំគ្នាជាមួយបងប្អូន៤នាក់ទេ ដូច្នេះខ្ញុំក៏សួរលោកប្ដី គាត់ក៏ថាអោយខ្ញុំទៅ បន្ទាប់មកសួរម៉ាក់ក្មេក គាត់ក៏សុខចិត្តមកជួយមើលកូនអោយ ពិសេសនោះ មេដោះកូនខ្ញុំសន្យាមើលថែកូនខ្ញុំអោយល្អ ។ ខ្ញុំក៏សំរេចចិត្តទិញសំបុត្រភ្លាមៗទៅ ។ ល្ងាចនេះប្ដីខ្ញុំចប់ពីការងារលឿន គាត់មកកំដរខ្ញុំ និង កូនដើរលេង គាត់ដឹងថាស្អែកខ្ញុំត្រូវចេញដំណើរ ដូច្នេះមកកំដរ ។ យើងនាំកូនជិះកូនឡានក្នុងបូរី ពួកគាត់សប្បាយចិត្តណាស់ ។ ៦ថ្ងៃទៅអាមេរិកទាំងទៅទាំងមក វាពិតជាលឿនសំរាប់នាក់ដើរលេង តែគ្រប់គ្រាន់សំរាប់ខ្ញុំ ព្រោះនឹកលោកប្ដី និង កូនណាស់ មិនអាចទៅយូរទេ ។

Bali Day 1 and 2

After we got a good news from doctor, we decide to take a few days alway from our stress. My husband give me decide between Bali and Maldives. I choose Bali, cause i alway dream to go to Maldives whenever I can swim. And now I don’t know how to swim yet. So I decide to save the date until I can swim. Bali also a dream place, cause I alway heard one of my customer in France said that it is beautiful. When we arrive airport Singapore, we decide to Change the air ticket go to cambodia, and buy another ticket to Bali. I am hurry open agoda to book the hotel. I decide to book Anantara for our first day arrive Bali.

On the plane            

We are here in Bali. We arrive around 8:30 PM 

we were shock by immigration in Bali. We brought some expensive bag and shoes from Singapore, but they not allow to enter the country. If we want them with us, we have to pay tax at immigration area. Otherwise, we have to leave our stuff with the immigration office. I try to argue with them, but no use. Finally we have to leave our stuff over there. I hope they don’t change my channel and LV bags. 

We arrive our hotel peacefully. It is a beautiful resort. I love the the way they set up. They update us to the suit room. I can’t wait to see our room. Can you see the brand behind us? 

Our late dinner foods 🙂

Anantara night view


Our room is so big. There is a pirate pool, Bed room, Jacuzzi , living room, kitchen and more. I took a video when we arrive our room. But it was a little bit dark.

Morning come, we don’t want to get up, cause we sleep very well last night. But we don’t have to miss everything in here. First thing, we go to swim at our privat a little pool. Even both of us can’t swim very well, but we have fun time together. 

After that we have our bubble jacuzzi in our room. We almost forget our breakfast hour. He he … 

We have our breakfast at top roof of the resort. It is a heartbreaking view of the resort and the beach.

After finish breakfast, we go around the resort before we leave. Here are some photos. 

Walk my husband to Anantara resort Bali 🙂 

We rent a car to bring us visit popular places in Bali. First we visit Uluwatu temple. It is beautiful place with culture combine with nature. 

After that we stop by one beautiful place to have lunch. We enjoy seeing fishs around us. 

Then we head to our resort where we going to stay tonight. This resort has a pool and the pool is one of beautiful pool in the world. I can’t wait to see it. 

Here we are in Hanging garden resort 

this is the ride which we want to go up and down. 

After a long ride and visit some places, we finally at our comfortable zoon. This massage and spa in this resort is rank the best message in the world as well. I am glad to have a chance to try it. 

It’s time to have a romantic dinner. I book a table in front of the pool. Tonight is a best night, cause we can see the full moon though the pool. We have a special menu in the resort. It is a recommendation from the Cheif. The frie rice is the best.

Good night from Bali 🙂