Farewell party for my youngest sister

My youngest sister already got visa to live in USA. She move to live in Cambodia almost 3 years now after she finish master in IT in USA. Today we make a small party for her. Farewell means goodbye but not forever. We will see each other sometime in future but not often like when we live in the same house. My house will look quiet again. I know she move out for good. I wish for her is to get good jo

Family time to the beach

ពួកយើងខានទៅលេងសមុទ្រយូរណាស់​ហើយ​ ម្យ៉ាងវិញទៀត​ ប្អូនស្រីពៅខ្ញុំក៏ជិតទៅនៅអាមេរិកទៀត​ ពួកយើងមិនមានពេលច្រើនសប្បាយជាមួយគ្នាទេ​ ទំរាំតែជួបគ្នាទៀតម៉េចក៏ឆ្នាំក្រោយដែល។  យើងបានកក់សណ្ឋាគារ​ឯករាជ្យ​ ព្រោះមានអាងហែលទឹកថ្មី​ តែអាកាសធាតុដូចជាមិនអំណោយផលសោះ​ តាមផ្លូវជិតដល់កំពង់សោមភ្លៀងរហូត​ ។  ពេលពួកយើងបានបន្ទប់រៀងៗខ្លួនហើយ​ ក៏ទៅហែលទឹកអាងថ្មី​ ហើយនេះជាលើកទី១សំរាប់កូនប្រុសខ្ញុំទាំងពីរហែលទឹកអាង​ និង​ បានមកសមុទ្យ​ ។  ក្នុងចិត្តខ្ញុំខ្លាចគាត់ឈឺ​ ព្រោះរលឹមផង​ តែកូនប្រុសសប្បាយនឹងទឹក​ ហើយប្ដីខ្ញុំឃើញកូនដូច្នេះក៏ទៅដូរខោអាវ​ តែយូរពេកខ្ញុំយកកូនឡើងលើវិញព្រោះខ្លាចពួកគាត់ឈឺ​

ហែលទឹករួច​ ពួកយើងទៅញាុំស៊ុបម៉ាស្ទ័រ​ បន្ទាប់មកក៏រកកន្លែងគេងរៀងខ្លួន​ ព្រោះបើកឡានមួយថ្ងៃហើយ។

ស្អែកឡើង​ ញាុំអាហារពេលព្រឹកដោយគ្មានអីញាុំ​ ហើយមនុស្សច្រើនទៀត​ ញាុំរួចយើងដើរថតរូប​ តែថតអត់បានច្រើនទេ​ ព្រោះរលឹមរហូត​ ។

អាហារថ្ងៃត្រង់​ យើងទៅញាុំនៅពយកំពីង​ ជាកន្លែងរបស់មេខ្ញុំ​ បងប្អូនខ្ញុំសប្បាយនឹងថតយកទេសភាព​ និងបន្ទប់ដល់ប្រណិតនៅកន្លែងនោះ​ ម៉ោងប្រហែល២​ យើងចេញពីកំពង់សោម​ មកភ្នំពេញ។  ទំរាំមកដល់ភ្នំពេញម៉ោង៨​ យើងចូលញាុំហាងកូរ៉េនៅទួលគោក

ឆ្ងាញ់ថត ជាងឆ្ងាញ់ស៊ី

បងប្អូនខ្ញុំសប្បាយទាំងញាុំ សប្បាយទាំងថតរូប ។ ទៅណាមកណា សើចផ្អើលគេអស់ហើយ សំបូររឿងនិយាយណាស់  សមយ័នេះ គេហៅស៊ីត្រាវ៕

ថ្ងៃនេះពួកយើង បានទៅសាកហាងថ្មីមួយនៅម្ដុំបឹងកេងកង ហាងនោះល្បីទឹកកកឈួសឆ្ងាញ់ ម្ហូបគួរសមអាចទទួលយកបាន តែគេមានបង្អែមច្រើនប្រភេទ អត់អីទេសុទ្ធតែអ្នកខ្លាចធាត់ 😜😜😜 ហាងនោះមើលពីក្រៅ ដូចស្រែ តែចូលក្នុង អែមរបស់គេ ។

បន្ទាប់ពីញាុំហើយ យើងទៅផ្សារទួលទំពូង ។ នេះជាលើកទី១ ហើយ ខ្ញុំចូលផ្សារតាំងពីខ្ញុំមានកូន ក្នុងផ្សារក្ដៅណាស់ ធ្វើអោយខ្ញុំពិបាកទ្រាំ ខ្ញុំអត់ដើរអង្គុយចាំក្នុងតូបមួយដែលមានកង្ហារ តែនៅតែក្ដៅ បន្ទាប់ក៏ប្រាប់ពួកគេ ប្រញាប់ទៅផ្ទះ ព្រោះក្ដៅណាស់ ។ មកដល់ផ្ទះ ឡើងងូតទឹកមុនគេ

goodbye my beloved family from USA

this morning we say goodbye to our grandma, parents and bong phy’s family. I hope to see you again very soon.

This afternoon we have farewell lunch for uncle Peng and auntie Pov. We bring them to have Khmer foods, cause they love it. The lunch sponsor from my sister phorn. Around 3 PM we say goodbye to them as well.

Now my house become quiet. Can say very quiet. We back to normal life. No more party and dine out too much. He he …

Farewell party

1 month is very fast. My house will become quiet again when everyone gone. Tonight bong phy invite all the family to Les cocktail restaurant to have party together. We also want to celebrate Mother’s Day to our mom before she leave. So we secretly buy a cake. Everyone who has mom need to buy a cake for their mom. The party start a bit late, cause everyone seem stuck in traffic. Unfortunately, man yi and Ning vanny cannot join, cause man yi is sick.

We start eating and drinking with joy. Taking photos is our favorite part. Around 9 PM, we start our plan to bring our cake to mom. I can see how happy our mom is. They saw the cake hold by their children and sing the song. Everyone is busy taking photos with mom.

Here are some photos

I brought a earring for my mom

The surprise never end. I heard the singer announce here is another song for mom as well. I was surprise who family also celebrate Mother’s Day early like us? I saw many cakes hold by my sister, cousin, and my nephew. My cousin Ti is looking for me, I was sitting hiding around many people. He said finally found me. Yeah… finally, this is my first mother to be cake on Mother’s Day. I am really happy. 

The cakes brought by my youngest sister. So we give her a kiss for what she did surprise us. 

The party not end yet. We’re start dancing. Everyone has so much fun. Even I cannot dance much, but I also very happy.

Lunch at Rith and Ji house

It is call non stop eating . Today lunch is invite by Rith and Ji. Before head to their house, I have some lobsters at home which my father brought it. It is so good.

At Rith’s house also good foods. They do BBQ seafoods. I don’t know where to put the foods in my belly. I am so full. Tonight also have another party.

Special Chicken rice by auntie sim

Every day is good foods since parents , bong phy’s family and uncle arrive. Today dinner is invite by auntie Kim. She is good at making chicken rice. I love it so much. She also make some dessert for us. Everyday is about foods and fat now. I can’t control my weight anymore. I think my doctor is going to blame on me. He he …

here are some photo of us.

Lunch time with cousins

Today lunch is invite by che Kim. She invite bong phy and us to have lunch at Ma ma thai food. Over there i love the banana frie and the souce. This time call the cousin time. I am glad to be this part of family. We alway have fun together.