Hair cute

ឥឡូវកូនខ្ញុំទាំងពីរធំហេីយ​ ពួកគាត់កាត់សក់លែងយំហេីយ​ ថ្ងៃនេះខ្ញុំបានអោយពូជាង​ ដាក់អក្សរឈ្មោះគាត់ម្នាក់មួយ​ លែងម៉ូតអោយហេីយទៅកូន​ ដល់ធំឡេីង​ កូនលែងបានលែងម៉ូតសក់ចឹងទៀតហេីយ

New hair cute

Vattanac and rithisak are special clients. They can have service arrive at the front door of the house. កូនស័ក្កិខ្លាចជាង​ យំខ្លាំងណាស់​ ឡេីងផ្អេីល​ កុង​ ជាមួយ​ម៉ា​ នៅបន្ទប់ខាងលេី​ ចំណែកវឌ្ឍនះបានមេីលវីដេអូចំរៀងកូនក្មេង​ នៅអោយស្ងៀម​ អោយកាត់តាមសំរួល​ សំណាងបានជាង​ រហាស់ដៃ​ កាត់លឿនគួរសម​ ។


Studio photos

it’s nearly vattanac and rithisak first birthday. I bring them to have photo shoot at studio. I invite my parent, grandma, parent in law, bong phorn’s family to join with us. it is a big group of photos shooting. I am disappointed with the studio. it is small and hot. I used to choose G-rise when I took my pregnancy photos. I was good. at that time I went to Aeon 1 and this time I go Aeon 2. they said it is brand new but they didn’t tell me that it was small. my twin don’t stay still. they cry and we can’t talk a lot of photos as I expect. anyways, I just want to take photos and keep it for my twin memories.

here are some photos

11 months babies

Time fly so fast, another one month they are one year old. I can’t wait to see they can walk and talk. Now they know how to said pa pa , mak mak. They prefer call pa pa more than me. He he ….. today they still sick because of me transfer virus for them. Sorry babies. I will to wear mask, stay far alway from you. But still you sick. Mommy really sorry.

Happy 11 months old my twin Vattanac and Rithisak

10 months my twin

កូនខ្ញុំទាំងពីរ មួយថ្ងៃពីមួយថ្ងៃ រិតតែគួរអោយស្រលាញ់ ពួកគាត់ចេះម្ដងបន្ដិចៗ ថ្ងៃនេះពួកគាត់បាន ១០ ខែហើយ ។ ពួកគាត់ទាំងពីរជាសេចក្ដីសុខរបស់ពួកយើង


ថ្ងៃនេះម៉ាក់បានទៅទូតបារាំងយក​ ប៉ាស្ពរ័កូន​ ។ ចាប់ពីថ្ងៃទៅ​ កូននឹងអាចធ្វើដំណើរជុំវិញពិភពលោកបានហើយ​ កូននឹងមិនឃើញពិភពលោកបានធំ​ បានច្រើន​ ហើយកូនស្វែងយល់របស់ដែលល្អៗ​ របស់មិនល្អទុកជាមេរៀនជីវិត។