
ថ្ងៃនេះនាងខ្ញុំ​ និង​ ស្វាមី​ បានចូលរួមសម្ភោធដាក់អោយប្រើប្រាស់សម្ធិផលនានាក្នុងវត្តព្រៃរោង​ ជាមួយមេរបស់ខ្ញុំ​ ។ ឃើញទឹកមុខលោកតា​ លោកយាយ​ ស្រស់ស្រាយ​ រីករាយ​ ហើយក៏បានបិត្របាទព្រះសង្ឃជិត​ ៣០០​ អង្គទៀត​ ។  អារម្មណ៏ព្រឹកនេះពិតជាសប្បាយបានធ្វើបុណ្យមែន​ ។

កម្មវិធីចប់​ យើងបានត្រលប់ទៅផ្ទះវិញ​ ញាុំបាយថ្ងៃត្រង់រួច​ ពួកយើងទៅម៉ាស្សា​ បងគន្ធហត់នឿយ​ គាត់ចង់អោយគេម៉ាស្សា​ យើងទៅម៉ាស្សា​ ១​ម៉ោងកន្លះ​ ទើបមកផ្ទះយកកូនដើរលេង​ ។ ថ្ងៃនេះយើងទៅដីទន្លេ​ ជាច្រើនខែហើយដែលមិនបានមក​ ថ្ងៃនេះវឌ្ឍនៈ​ និង​ ឫទ្ធិស័ក្កិបានបើកឡានជាមួយប៉ាប៉ា​

ចេញពីដីទន្លេយើងបានទៅញាុំអីនៅហាង​ ដារា​ សាច់អាំង​


ថ្ងៃនេះបានចូលរួមកម្មវិធីរបស់ក្រុមហ៊ុន​ ។  ក្រុមហ៊ុនមេរបស់ខ្ញុំបានចាប់ដៃគូសហការណ៏ថ្មីជាមួយក្រុមហ៊ុនចិន​ ធ្វើកំពង់ផែ​ ។  សូមជូនពរអោយក្រុមហ៊ុនមានតែភាពជោគជយ័


ល្ងាចនេះ​ មេបានអញ្ចើញចាស់ចាស់នៅឃុំត្បែង​ ពិសាអាហារពេលល្ងាច​ ព្រោះគាត់បានសន្យាថា​ បើឈ្នះឆ្នោតនិងធ្វើកម្មវិធីនេះ។  បងគន្ធ​ និង​ ខ្ញុំ​ ទៅដល់ម៉ោងប្រហែល៥​ ។ មិនមានស្រីស្រីចូលរួមច្រើនប៉ុន្មានទេ​ ពួកយើងអង្គុយចាំមេ​ នៅកន្លែងសាលាបក្ស​ ទំរាំតែមេមកម៉ោងប្រហែល៧​ ក្រុមចាស់ចាស់ចាំយូរគួរសម​ មេសំណេះសំណាលបន្ដិចបន្ដួច​ ក៏រៀបចំអាហារ​ ញាុំរួចពួកគាត់ចាស់ចាស់ឡើងរាំ​ កម្មវិធីចប់ប្រហែលម៉ោ


ជិតចូលឆ្នាំថ្មីហើយ​ ដដូច្នេះនៅក្រុមហ៊ុនបាននិមន្ដលោកមក​ ស្រោចទឹក​ លើករាសី​ ឆ្នាំនេះខ្ញុំបានមកដែល​ ព្រោប្រពន្ធមេ​ គាត់ហៅមក​ ។   សូមអោយឆ្នាំថ្មីឆ្នាំច​ ជួយអោយក្រុមហ៊ុនកាន់តែជោគជយ័​ ហើយសូមអោយប្ដីប្រពន្ធយើង​ 

My boss 2 year anniversary

Around 3 PM I receive a call from my boss wife. She said she want to invite me and my husband for dinner. After talking with her, finally I know today is their anniversary. So I am hurry to think about buying gift. My cousin ji ji recommend me to buy bed cover set. She said it is a good symbol for married. So I brought one set and one brunch of flowers as well. I am so happy to see everyone since I never see them for long long time. We were a bit late than boss, cause my husband need to pick up me at home, and traffic is bad. However, boss alway leave the best spot for us. They leave the chair next to them. They always give us more value than everyone. We were so please to be here. I am so happy to see everyone. We have a really expensive foods and drink. This is call joy when every time reunion. We are not only working in family, but we more like family.

Here are some photos

We wish them full of happiness, healthy, and successful with all the work they do.

Chinese New Year gift for my boss 

we got a gift for our boss. My husband really careful to get a gift for my boss. He knows our boss love wood, so he search for beautiful piece of wood for our boss. When my husband call me, he ask whether I want to take photo with boss. I said of course honey. When we give the gift for boss. We ask to take photos with boss. Boss said come closer and the next photos he said let shake our hand and take photos. I am so excited and my hand turn cold. Hehe …. Never through he give us honor like this 🙂 

My boss is the number 1 boss ever



Then I go down to continue my work. Dalin also give me the roses that she brought for me on valentine day.



My husband become Ouk Nha and I become Lok Chom Tav

Today is a greatest day in our life, especially for my husband. Today my husband recieved a high certificate from the king of cambodia giving a position as Ouk Nha. Thank boss for giving us this valuable reputation. For me, I become Lok Chom Tav automoticly in the age of 30. How young! 🙂 also two of my husband niece and nephew become Ouk Nha too. Congratulation for them! Let’s have a party. He he… 


It’s really have a party. We bring our staffs to eat at Samba. Yeah… Let’s celebrate new Ouk Nha 🙂














Lucky day

today we have lobsters for our lunch again. Thank Dalin alway bring us delicious foods. 



This afternoon boss also give me Shang hai crab. Thanks boss 


Totally call មាត់មានលាភថ្ងៃនេះ 

Plus, today I got gifts from my boss wife. There is a lot of stuffs inside the bags, however, one of them is diamond ring. Thank you so much for this valuable gifts for me. I do love it😍. 



This is call lucky day.