Music Video of The Week”>name=”wmode” value=”transparent”>” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” wmode=”transparent” width=”425″ height=”355″>

Tear drops on my guitar by Taylor swift is the best song. most of the radio always play this song. i alway listen while i’m drving to work. this song is easy to sing that’s why i love it.

Happy Birthday To Me :-D

It is 1 AM. i got some birthday wish from my sister and friends. i feel happy because i think they will forget my birthday already. actually, some of them are not. i feel surprise. it is different from last year. let see how many birthday wish i got.

Happy birthday to you! wish u good luck, good health. Everything u wish come true. i know in usa is not on 2, Apr, but in here it’s ur day. So hope u enjoy ur day tomorrow na. Take care. Love, ur sister. (sending by phone from bong phorn at 10.00 PM)

Hello good morning. Happy Birthday to U my best friend. Chocalate Man would like to wish u with healthy, wealthy, successful with everything u have done. Cheer! wherever u a, but u still in my heart n mind na my best friend. We a here miss u so much more. Ok take care n have a nice day with ur birthday. Good Luck Friend. (sending by phone from puy at 9.12 PM)

Hi Dear,
Happy Birthday to you. Wish u have a good luck, good health and success all-Love Life and Study. This year how many people enjoy with your birthday party? I think a lot right? because my dear so friendly and kind so many many people like you the same as me.
Anyway please the god bring to you all the best.
Hope to see u soon dear.
Nin (Sending by e-mail from nin at 8.45 PM)
happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to lyka. wish you good luck and successful in your life. (sending by yahoo messenger from a phea)
Happy Birthday To Me I wish my 3 wishes come true!
good night everybody

New Hair Style

This morning i went to get my hair cut. i want to cut my hair before my birthday, and now i can make it. hehe… however, i don’t like my new hair style. i feel it is too short. everyone said i look like vietnamese girl. hehe… i think maybe i went to vietname barber shop that’s why my hair style like vietnamese girl. i also went to Mall buy red shirt for my birthday.

Changing Birthday Party

I suppose to celebrate my birthday on April 05, but 5 persons cannot come. sothea, sombath, sothara cannot take a day off becuase they work at the same company. hehe.. my cousin ka is busy, and my teacher Nicole also go to canada. sothea beg me to change the party. i decide to celebrate it on my real birthday, but no one good at cooking. i don’t know what kind of food i should offer to my guests. hehe… anyways, san, na, ka and thea come to help me. i hope the party goes well.

Pizza Party At My Workplace

Last Friday there was a pizza party at my workplace. there were 37 pizza boxes for staffs. hehe… however, the pizza was awful to me. too salt! we had an hour break. my lead took a lot of photos. she printed it out and stick it on the wall. i don’t want to look at my photos because my face is bigger than before. i cannot believe myself. hehe… the more i’m on diet the more i’m fat 😀


People play game in different ways. some people play for fun. other play for money. people who crazy about gambling never have a good result. when they gambling at the first time, they think it is fun. actually, it is dangerous. gamblers not only destroy themselves but also make families and friends worry about them. because of gambling, some people run out of school, no friends, no families, no nothing. they are struggle find money pay back to the woner. some people end up become a thief or ganster. i never care or think about it until one of my relative has this problem. i am very angry with him. i just leave him about two years and now he drawn deeper into this issue. past two years, he is a outstanding student. he pass two universities at the same time. everyone proud of him. i hope he realize that he goes to the wrong. it is not too late yet. everyone hopes he can get rid of it and become a good person. i don’t know how to help him. i just give him some advices. i never scold at him, but last night i did badly. i cannot control myself. i don’t know why he become like that. i just…..

My Red Birthday Requirement

Two weeks more is gonna be my birthday. i just send out mail to my friends about my birthday requirments. hehe… Actually, my birthday is on Wednesday (April 02), but I don’t have a lot of people help me to cook. I decide to celebrate my birthday on Saturday (April 05). next year i’m going to celebrate on my real birthday date. no more be late birthday for me. hehe… here is my birthday requirments. i think my friends use to it already, so i don’t have to worry.

RED birthday party (April 05)

– Red T-shirt (Note: No red T-shirt and red pants)

– Jeans ( Pants or skirt for ladies )

– Pen for playing game

5 PM

Red Heart Game: everyone who wants to play game have to bring pen. I hope all of you play the game with me. It’s going to be fun and memorable.

i hope it’s going to be a fun party because this is my last birthday party at here.

My Red Birthday Requirement

Dear all my friends,

How are you doing? I hope all of you are doing fine. I know everyone is busy with study and work. We don’t have time to hang out anymore. Two weeks more is my birthday. I would like to take this occasion to invite all of you to join my RED birthday party. I know you guys sound similar with it already, so I don’t have to worry. Hehe.. Actually, my birthday is on Wednesday (April 02), but I don’t have a lot of people help me to cook. I decide to celebrate my birthday on Saturday (April 05). I hope everyone can come. Here is my birthday requirement.

RED birthday party (April 05)

Red T-shirt (Note: No red T-shirt and red pants)

Jeans ( Pants or skirt for ladies )

Pen for playing game

5 PM at 173 A street ( I think you know where it is 😀 )

Red Heart Game: everyone who wants to play game have to bring pen. I hope all of you play the game with me. It’s going to be fun and memorable.

I try to tell all of you ahead of time, so that you can make a plan. I hope to see all of you on Saturday, April 05, 2008.

Your friend

Phoung (Lyka)

Note: I don’t know what to say in here. I just want to let you guys know that if you don’t have any ideas to buy gift. Please come without gift! It is not gift party. It is my birthday. Hehe… anyways, please don’t buy doll for me. I don’t have any space to sleep. Your gifts last year took half side of my bed. Haha… moreover, I cannot bring it back to Cambodia as well. Hey! I’m going back to Cambodia next year on January. This is my last birthday in here, so everyone must come.

Moive Time Again

tonight i watch a movie called “10,000 BC” with san. it is difficult to understand the whole story for me, however i still understand by their actions. hehe… my english too good! i wish they will have sub title at the cinema. i still want to watch the movie call “Step Up 2”. i hope they still have that movie until next week, so i can go again. the best part about watching movie is i get ticket for free. one of my friends working over there. i can go everytime she works or she doesn’t work. i need someone to accompany me, otherwise, i cannot go. that is all about my sunday 😛

10,000 BC