My Name

Three words combined together become my name Bun SokPhoung, my last name Bun come from my father’s last name. And Sokphoung is my first name.
In my language, Khmer, the word Sok means Happiness and Phoung means Power of flower. In my country, everyone prefers to call me Phoung. My full name considered an easy name, not too long and not too short. It does not sound interested but contains full meaning, especially, it’s come from my father’s idea.
Since I was in high school, I got many names in my teenager life. When I was in 12th grade, I was tall and thin. Can you imagine what my friend call me at that time? They call me a dinosaur and one more name is Kon Youn which means Vietnamese girl because they say I look like Vietnamese. It’s just for fun in my group. When I finished high school, I became a first year student in one Business University. I choose accounting as my major. I had ten friends in my class, they called me a small pig or a small-eye girl because I was a little bit fat and I have small eyes. After everyone in my group got a job, they change my name from a small pig to a hip hop pig because my clothes that I wear to work are not so professional. Furthermore, in a group of my Chinese friends, I have one more name called “God of smile”, All my friend should have the name begin with God. It’s sound so funny to everyone who hears it. During that time, I give myself a name called Lyka to avoid my real name. It’s just a word that has no meaning but I like the sound of this word. This name was created when I started listen to one English radio in my country. I like listen to music in my free time that’s why sometimes I call or mail to most of the show to request a song. Then the name Lyka becomes a famous and a fan of that radio and English songs become my favorite.
However, I got many name such as dinosaur, Kon Youn, a small pig, a hip hop pig, a small eyes girl, God of smile and Lyka but Phoung is still the best of all.