My New Contact Lens and Bad News

Today i ware my new contact lens go to work. guess what? everyone is surprise because my eyes are blue. hehe… moreover, there are three customers asked me about my glasses. they said that my glasses is cool and i looked pretty on my glasses as well. i just realize that some customers also notice at me. hehe…

at the same time, i also received a bad news from my friend. actually, it is a good news for them but it is very bad news for me. one of my friend just told me that NUM is going to celebrate gratuation day for my promotion next month. this news made me sad because i’m going to miss it. i still remember they plan to celebrate it before i came to usa. everyone said everything is just in time for me. however, NUM had a problem with professors so they have to cancel it. i wish i could be there next month so i can have a great time with ma friends. they are going to miss me on that day. hehe…

Kanika’s Brother

Sunday is the most terrible day in the store. it’s damn a lot of people shopping. i’m so tired… tonight i’m going to see kanika’s brother. he just was born yesterday on 8.30 AM. i brought some fuirts to kanika’s mother at hospital with a lovely card in it. i went to hospital with san and kanika. kanika’s brother name satya. he is cute. he has long eyelash and a lot of hairs. i talked to bong yi and bong bora (kanika’s parents) for a while and we left hospital at 9 PM.

Columbus Day

Today i took a day off because we planed go to the lake or mountain. unfortunately, it was raining day. haha… we changed our plan to pagoda because Pchum Ben. we went to old pagoda call Vat Rottanaram. i didn’t dress up because i think it was rain and san didn’t has traditional cloth as well. i didn’t want she looked different from other alone. hehe… we was late because we kinda cannot woke up. we arrived there at 11.20 AM and we brought some stuffs like noodle, soy milk, candle, and cake to the monks. i felt so happy after praying and give my stuffs to the monk. we left there around 12.30PM because we have another party at Na’s house. na’s family is doing Ya Hon, so she invite us to eat. i’m so hungry because i didn’t eat breakfast this morning. 😀 after we finished eating, we went to study khmer language. there are a lot of people join this contast. hehe… we spent 2 hours to sing karaoke. hehe… it was fun fun fun. i also took some pics while we were singing. then i left na’s house at 3.30PM because san have to go to work. at 4.30PM, i went to burlington Mall with sothea and borey. i got a mission from kun to see the apple store because he want to buy Macbook pro. i have to study about mac for him. hehe… i also buy a sweat shirt for him as well. wow… that is my day off. 😛

A Pair of Eyes

There was a blind girl who hated herself just because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She said that if she could only see the world, she would marry her boyfriend.

One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she could see everything, including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked her, “now you can see the world, so will you marry me?” the girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend was blind too, so she refused to marry him.

Her boyfriend walked away in tears, and later he wrote a letter to her saying. “JUST TAKE CARE OF MY EYES PLEASE.”

This is how humans change when their status changes. Only few remember what life was before, and who has always been there with them in the most painful situation.

Red shirt and Witch’s Woods

Last night i read one of my friend’s friend blog. she said that to help support burma, we have to wear red shirt on 28, september. hehe… red is my favorite color. today i wear red shirt go to work. i think red maybe represent blood on that day. i don’t know it is right or not? i just guess. i also just come back from Witch’s woods. it is so scaring. i am scream until i cannot talk right now. hehe… it was so cool and scaring. if you want to know more you can go to this website you can imagine everywhere is ghosts, even we stand to buy something to eat. they come to scare us. hehe… we went to 4 attraction places. one is castle morbid, second is nightmare mansion, third is witch’s wood hunted hayride and the last one is 3D keeper’s crypt. i like the last one when we wear the 3D glasses. haha… i feel everyone is ghost. i really want to take photos to share but they not allow. you know what? my brother in law’s shirt nearly torn by me. haha… anyways, it was a scaring night for me.

I didn’t know that today is Moon festival until my mom told me. hehe… living in here, i cannot join some of festivals that i used to have fun. i remember every years at Moon festival, i drove my car or moto with my sister and my cousins a long the road they celebrate it. i can see every houses’s candle and decoration. it so beautiful. hehe… i miss moon cake! moreover, moon festival is also my sister’s birthday. my parents celebrate her birthday at Heng Lay. there are 5 tables for guest. they all my relatives and my aunt’s relatives. actually, today is also my cousin (Heng)’s brithday. Mei Mei and Heng was born in the same day. guess what? the party is for three people’s birthday. one is Mei Mei, second is Heng and third Jing (who was born in september too). haha… i wish i can join that party. it is going to have a lot of fun.

I wish my lovely sister and my handsome and cute cousin have good luck in study, and all their dream come true!