i didn’t go to pagoda on sunday, and neither went to work. i felt so lazy and my shoulder is hurt as well. i stayed home and watch khmer new year karaoke. sometime we played card. hehe… around 3 o’clock, i went to mall with san. we decided passed by pagoda. we hope to see people dance and play games, because we heard that last year a lot of people dance and play games. when we arrived the pagoda, no one over there. hehe… i took these photos to show how pagoda in the United States look like. 😀
Category: Uncategorized
Happy Khmer New Year 2008
This is the year of Rat. It’s the year i was born. hehe… there are a lot of cambodia new year parties in here, but i don’t have chance to join. hehe… i thought we might go to pagoda tomorrow, but my sister’s parents in law said they don’t want to go. i feel upset about it. i really want to go and pray. let see tomorrow, properly they will change mind. I miss home. i wish i was in cambodia during khmer new year.
in this golden occasion, lyka Som Chounpor Chhnam Thmei Ban Sok Soursdey Serey Mongkul Vibolsok ning Puthpor 5 Prorkar Kert Mean Dorl Nak : Ayuk Vanak Sokhak Porleak ning Pahde Pheanak Kombei Kleang Kleat Leuy. Som Tevada Chhnam Chout Tam Theraksar Nak ning Kruorsar Nak Reang Rorhot
Here is some detail about Khmer New Year
Cambodian New Year or Chaul Chnam Thmey in the Khmer language, literally “Enter the New Year”, is the name of the Cambodian holiday that celebrates the new year. The holiday lasts for three days, most commonly, from April 13th to 15th, although Khmer living in other countries may change the dates so as to celebrate on the weekend. Sometimes the holiday falls between the 14th to 16th of April. This time of the year represents the end of the harvesting season. The farmers enjoy the fruits of their harvest and relax before the rainy season begins.
Moha Songkran
Moha Songkran is the name of the first day of the new year celebration. It is the ending of the year and the beginning of a new one. People dress up and light candles and burn incense sticks at shrines. The members of each family pay homage to offer thanks for the Buddha’s teachings by bowing, kneeling and prostrating themselves three times before his image. For good luck people wash their face with holy water in the morning, their chests at noon, and their feet in the evening before they go to bed.
Wanabat is the name of the second day of the new year celebration. People contribute charity to the less fortunate, help the poor, servants, homeless people, and low-income families. Families attend a dedication ceremony to their ancestors at the monastery.
Tngai Laeung Saka
Tngai Laeung saka is the name of the third day of the new year celebration. Buddhist cleanse the Buddha statues and elders with perfumed water. Bathing the Buddha images is the symbol that water will be needed for all kinds of plants and lives. It is also thought to be a kind deed that will bring longevity, good luck, happiness and prosperity in life. By bathing their grandparents and parents, children can obtain from them best wishes and good advice for the future.
There are a lot of games during khmer new year such as Bos Angkunh, Chol Chhoung, Leak Konseng, Chab Kon Kleng, 3-1, Ror Tes Pleng Bok Khnea, and more. normally, we always have music and dance. hehe…
Cambodian New Year
On Friday there was a Cambodian New Year Celebration. Na and San asked me to join. there were a lot of performance by Lowell Chater School Students and Khmer Performers (Angkor Dance Troup). It was a fun celebration. the Audience start from grade 1 to 8. me and my friends are outside audience. Na’s family are participate with celebration. there were three performance by Na’s parents and her brother. they were awesome. hehe…
Perfect Attendance (March)
Last night i received perfect attendance paper. it means that i get 100 dollar for bonus. hehe… i think this is the first and the last perfect attendance bonus for me. hehe… start from this month, the company will change the system. they give perfect attendance to who never come late or take a day off for 2 month. i think not only me difficult to get but also for everyone. hehe…
Moive Time
last night i went to watch a movie called “21”. it about a guy who studying at MIT. i think MIT stand for Massachusett Information Technology. he want to get in Havard Medical School. he has to spend 300,000 per year. he doesn’t have enough money. one of his professor who interesting with his talent ask him to join the group. there are 5 students in the group. the professor teachs them how to count the card (blackjack). my sister told me that it is a true story. it is a interesting moive but a bit boring. hehe… it about 2 hours long. last night we get out from the cinema at 12.00 AM. 😀
Movie detail: Ben Campbell (Jim Sturgess) is a math whiz studying at MIT who gets recruited into a shadowy group of equally talented nerds led by a former professor (Kevin Spacey). With their amazing ability to keep track of numbers, the group heads out to Las Vegas to take part in an elaborate blackjack-card-counting scheme that can potentially win them millions from the casios.
Baby is A Girl
tonight i went to visit bong chanthy. bong chanthy is my uncle’s cousin. she just give a birth on April 3. the day after my birthday. hehe…. now i can remember her daughter birthday so easy. by the way, the baby name is April and her last name is May. April May is her full name. she was born on April, so her dad give her the name April. April is Spring. Spring means New Life. her dad’s last name is May.
Congratulation to Bong Mackoy and Bong Chanthy 😀
Music Video of The Week
Tear drops on my guitar by Taylor swift is the best song. most of the radio always play this song. i alway listen while i’m drving to work. this song is easy to sing that’s why i love it.
Finally He Got It
Happy Birthday To Me :-D
It is 1 AM. i got some birthday wish from my sister and friends. i feel happy because i think they will forget my birthday already. actually, some of them are not. i feel surprise. it is different from last year. let see how many birthday wish i got.
Happy birthday to you! wish u good luck, good health. Everything u wish come true. i know in usa is not on 2, Apr, but in here it’s ur day. So hope u enjoy ur day tomorrow na. Take care. Love, ur sister. (sending by phone from bong phorn at 10.00 PM)
Hello good morning. Happy Birthday to U my best friend. Chocalate Man would like to wish u with healthy, wealthy, successful with everything u have done. Cheer! wherever u a, but u still in my heart n mind na my best friend. We a here miss u so much more. Ok take care n have a nice day with ur birthday. Good Luck Friend. (sending by phone from puy at 9.12 PM)