Do you know the relation between your two eyes? They blink together, move together, cry together, see things together & sleep together. Even though they never see each other…Friendship should be just like that!!! Life is like hell without FRIENDS.
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I Can’t wait to see My Grandma and Mom
they are here tomorrow. how excited i am? i will go to airport at 5AM to pick up them. i can’t wait see to them.
see you tomorrow ma and mak 😀
he always make me happy everyday.
he always accompany me day and night.
he always be by my side.
he always take care of me.
he always give me good advices.
he always understand me.
he always teasing me.
he always make me angry.
he always give me new name.
he always call me.
he always chat with me.
he always sing the songs for me.
he always say I Miss U when i ask for.
he always say I Love U when i don’t ask.
he always ….
I Love You sweetheart
Congratulation to My Bro (Tou)
My brother (Tou) called me last night. he told me that he got a visa come to study at USA. i’m very happy about this great news. i hope i can meet him when i go to LA. hehe… on the other hand, i also feel sad because he cannot join my wedding. one of my best friend also cannot join because she go to canada for work study one year. now i lose one bridesmaid already. my brother’s leaving is a good news for me, but not for my cousin. hehe… she might be happy and very sad. i know they both are going to miss each other. i’m glad that i can make both of them become couple. now they are on long distance relationship as me and my boyfriend. hehe… anyways, tou is not my real brother. he used to study with me at RUA. i treat him as my brother because he always take care of me while i study at RUA. no one can touch me because he is my best bodyguard. hehe…
congratulation bro! good luck at your study and don’t forget my cousin. 😀
Fruitlands Museum and Tea Room
It is a beautiful landscape where to keep wonderful history in New England. thank nicole for bring me to this nice place. this is where we can discover the generations of people who have inhabited the valley of the Nashaway in the stories, experiments and imaginings of the Aloctts, Native peoples, farmers, shakers, and more. we don’t have much time, so we went to see only 3 places. frist, we went to see Shaker Gallery. second, Fruitland Farmhouse. and third, Native American Gellery. i can hear the history that i never know before. after that, Nicole bring me and Maxime ( Nicole’s relative) to have lunch. we have a great lunch together. we order Shaker shake up (i guess i cannot remember the name). hehe… there are three kinds of appetite in this order. first, we have soup. second is sandwich and last we have cranberry ice-cream. everything is good to me. hehe… you know what? today is the frist day that i went out without money. i forget my bag in my sister’s car last night. i feel ashamed to let Nicole pay everything for me include museum ticket. hehe…
you can check the photos at Nicole’s site. here is the link
i don’t bring my camara because it also at my sister’s car. hehe…
once again, thank nicole 😀
Lunch with Nicole and Maxime
On Tuesday i bring Nicole and Maxime to Cambodia Restaurant. actually, i want to bring them to “Tepthida Khmer” restaurant because it is nice and just open. unfortunately, it is close on tuesday. after that, i bring them to “Senmonorom” restaurant. it is my collage’s mother in law restuarant, but it is close on Tuesday as well. hehe…. the third restuarant is “Heng Lay” which is open these few weeks ago. it’s open 7 days per week, so i don’t have to worry. hehe… i order 3 kind of foods. 1 is “Bro Hok Khtis” which is traditional cambodia food. i think you guys know it. hehe… because it is famous in our country. 2 is ” Chha Chheng Chom Ney Chu Oem = sweet and sour pork rid”. i like it very much. my mom always cook this one for me. 3 is “Som lor ma chu kreung = sour soup”. it testes good and i hope Nicole and Maxime enjoy with cambodian foods as well. after we finish lunch, i bring them to see Lowell River. i think it is the best view that i know. i don’t know much direction that’s why i can’t bring them to the better places. moreover, nicole and maxime don’t have much time as well. Nicole have to go back home and teach her students, and Maxime have to go Boston. i drop Maxime at Train station. he has to wait 1 hour and half, because we miss the last train just a few mintues. i have to say goodbye to Maxime from now on because he go to canada on Thurday to finish his work study, and then he will go back to Franch. Maxime make me surprise by his franch style goodbye. he use his cheek touch my cheek and then pretent as kiss. hehe…i feel the heat run from my body thought my head. hehe… he give me one side bisous, and i reject the another side. i feel so shy. hehe…
after say goodbye to Maxime, i bring Nicole back to my house. and we use franch style goodbye again. hehe…
Good luck Maxime and Nice to know you.
Happy Mother’s Day
The Poem: “Mother’s Kindness”
11 May 2008, it is the day recall for a favor of mother’s gratitude.
Her gratitude is more than anything. Even the device cannot lift from it.
Mother’s kindness is heavier than earth
Even the mountains join or sum together
Is still less and lighter than mother gratitude.
9 months and 10 days is very difficult for her
If we compare her to the Buddha, mother is a living god
We have to remember her forever.
Feeding all the children for months, years
Never forget the duty
Even she is still busy she never forgets
She’s never afraid of fatigue!
This is a kindness of mother
Always taking care children voluntarily
Loving and caring truly, never complaining
Even the children are grown up
Mother still thinks and cares, never runs away
She never gives up even she knows a big obstacle lies ahead of her.
Mother never asks for what she has done
This is her genuine gratitude for her children
Using all her ability and energy to nature children.
At the time, children look for partners
Mother always thinks about it
Afraid the children do not have a true happiness in the whole life
This is a kindness and a true heart of mother.
Personal: To My Grandma, My Mom, and My Future Mother in Law
I wish you good health, long life, happy all the time and beauty stay with you foreover.
General: To all the woman around the world 😀 HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY
Pajamas Day
Friday is always special in my workplace. this Friday is Pajamas day. everyone feels free to wear Pajamas. a lot of people wear pajamas on that day, but some of them not really want to take photos. moreover, Josp and his girlfriend made strawberry cake for us. it teste good. he is a funny guy in my table. he always play around with me and dalyce.
Qults Museum and Greek Restaurant
The Trip organize by MCC. we went to Qults Museum at Downtow Lowell. the Museum is all about the design and teahnique of traditional wholecloth quilts. some of the quilts are from 1820. it is amazing because some of them are made by hand. after that we went to have dinner at Oympia Restaurant. it is a Greek restaurant. the foods are awful to me. i didn’t know this evening dinner organize for students who gratuate or transfer to another universities. hehe… at the end of dinner, one of my advisor give presents to everyone who is going to leave MCC. one of students is Me. i don’t know how to say beside the words “thank you”. actually, i’m not good at speaking. i always nervous when i speak. the rest of them are speak very well. hehe…