Wedding Invitation

Which one is the prettiest? bong kun and me love the red one. we think it is so cute, but it is too red and way to chinese traditional invitation wedding. both our parents and my sister love the gold one. at frist, we decide to take the red one. after everyone complaints, now we end up agree with everyone ideas. haha… what do you think? should i get the red one back? actually, invitaion is not really important. everyone just see the date and keep it away. 😛

I got them a perfect gift

Finally i got a perfect gift for them before i leave. i can see they are happy when they are open the gift box. my sister said the box is a bit expensive. i shouldn’t take it. haha… the reason the take the box cause it said it is a forgettable gift with apple box. at the back of the ipod touch, i engrave some words on it. 
” Theara & Phy eternal Love
Love from: Kun & Phoung 😀 ” 
haha… my sister said i engrave it, because i don’t want them to return it 😀

Happy New Year

he called me at 6 PM in here. it means 12 AM in France. we have New Year wishes together. however, this year we cannot count down together. i believe we can do it next year. I’m at my brother in law’s relative house. old people are singing karaoke down stair. i am at up stair writing blog and making my slide show project. 😀

Happy New Year 2009! What is your New Year resolution?
PS: i’m so pity people who goes to count down, because it is a snowing day, and very cold outside. stay warm people 😀

Gift From My Lovely Sister

She bought me a sweatshirt when we went to mall yesterday. she said she bought for my aunt. actually, she wants me to wear the same sweatshirt with her. haha… this afternoon she gave me a post card. i opened it, and read me in front of my boyfriend. my tear start to drop down as i read it. i know i’m too much emotional. however, my sister rarely write me a long postcard. it is a touching post card from her. my boyfriend keeps asking me what is wrong. i said nothing. i told him what my sister write for me. i cannot finish, because i am keep crying. haha…. i don’t know what is 44 mean to her for me. I think 4 is dollar sign on keyboard. haha… she might want to wish me wealthy after marry 😀 i will ask her the meaning tomorrow. let’s see what is she explain. 
I discuss with my boyfriend a few days ago about what kind of gift should i buy for them. for me, I want to buy ipod touch for them. however, my boyfriend said he will go to mall soon. if he think of something else useful than ipod. we can change it. today he said I can order ipod touch, because he can’t think of anything else. therefore, tonight i just order a ipod-touch 8G for them with my wonderful engraving on it. i hope they love it when it is arrive.
tonight i want to say : You are my a good brother in law and sister 😀

No Electricity

Last night the electricity was cut off at 12.30 AM. i woke up the morning in order to go to work. i realize that there is no power at all. i called my friend. she told me that don’t be lazy, i have to work. haha…. i used my phone’s light. i went down to get candle. i’m ready to prepare my self go to work. it is raining outside. i can say it is heavy rain. anyways, i’m late 10 minutes this morning. 

Now i’m at my brother in law’s relative house. it is too cold without heat. it becomes states emergency now. the electricity will come back on Monday as news report. i hope it is faster than that 🙁
three day without electricity, how can i suppose to live?

Na’s Daugther

I went to Na’s daughter Baby Shower last Saturday. Baby girl look a like her father. she is cute like her mother. she is the first adorable grandchild for Na and Sam parents. there are a lot of friends and relatives come to join the party. the food is great. i’m mouth watering when i’m thinking about those food. hehe…. anyways, her daughter name Jarronai Belle Yary. is it nice name?
Congratulation Na and Sam 🙂