សំណេីចមិនចេះរឹងស្ងួតរយះជិត 5 ម៉ោងរបស់ក្រុមស្រីស្អាត ប្រុសកាលីប បានធ្វេីអោយមុខខ្ញុំចង់រួញអស់ ហេីយក៏អបអរសាទរបងលី និង បងរត្ន័ ដែលទទួលបានកូនស្រីដូចបំណង។
Topicដែល ធ្វេីអោយយេីងនិយាយហេីយនិយាយទៀត គឺកន្លែងម៉ាស្សាមួយកំពុងតែកក្រេីកក្នុង Facebook
solida is someone I know in France. When I was in France, we sometime talk on the phone with each other. We sometime discuss something In our mind too. I don’t have any friends in France. She is also a part of my husband family as well. Although we use to talk on the phone, but we never see each other face. This year, she come to visit Cambodia, so I invite her and her family to have lunch together. Unfortunately my husband cannot join us. He is busy working at Kompongsom. I bring her to japanese restaurant call samurai . It’s our first time to see each other face, I feel excited. I think she feel the same way. She is friendly and has a nice family. Her two sons so lovely. Although we don’t have much time to meet each other, cause she has non stop traveling with her family while on vacation like that. At least we have see each other, and I hope we still have chance to see each other again one more time neither France or Cambodia.
Tonight is Yean Gui ‘a brother wedding. We have been friend for a long long time, but we rarely see each other. The only chance see each other is when have special occasion like this . Tonight I am going to see a lot of my Chinese friends. Some of them I almost forget the face already. He he … however, we still having fun together.
Here are some photos we took last night 🙂