Category: Life and parties
Sunday with family
Ladies night out
Last time we go to poipet, our relative over there bring us to have fun many place. Tonight they are come to Phnom Penh, so it our turn to accompany them back. We have dinner at moto restaurant. Guess how many bottle of red wine we are finish? 6 bottles baby. He he …. they are so strong. I just accompany them also drunk as well. We have so much fun. We sing a long with the singer. Everyone in the restaurant looking at us. We act like we don’t care. In reality a little bit ashamed as well. He he …..
ថ្ងៃនេះខ្ញុំពិតជាមានកិត្តិយសណាស់បានចូលរួមខួបអាពាពិពាហ៏របស់សម្ដេច ។ កម្មវិធីពិតជាអាធិកអាធមមែន សុទ្ធតែមានមុខមាត់ក្នុងស្រុកខ្មែរ ។ ផ្ទះគាត់ធំណាស់ ការរៀបចំកម្មវិធីពិតអស្ចារ្យមែន ។ នាងខ្ញុំមានឱកាសស្ដាប់នៅប្រវត្តិស្នេហាតស៊ូរបស់សម្ដេចទាំងពីរ មិនមែនជាការងាយស្រួលទេដែលចាប់ដៃគ្នារហូតមកដល់ពេលនេះ ព្រោះនាងខ្ញុំអាចយល់បានពីជីវិតគូនេះ។ អរគុណមេ ដែលបានអោយនាងខ្ញុំ និង ស្វាមី ចូលរួមកម្មវិធីនេះ
Dinner before I go to thailand
My boss’s wife prepare a dinner for me before I go to thailand. It has been a long time that we never see each other. I am so happy to see her and all ladies in our group. Bong neang invite us to Kobe restaurant. There are more than 10 ladies that join the dinner. We are happy to chit chat and taking photos. My boss’s wife order a lot of foods. We are hardly to finish see. It’s all delicious and expensive. Thank you so much for your kind and generous to me.
Here are some photos of us
My 30th Birthday
thinking many times, don’t know should i do my birthday or not. decision is make a week ahead, cause i think that this year i am 30 year old. i didn’t invite many people. just my family and my colleagues. totally 60 persons. my birthday held on Himavari Hotel, and it’s Red birthday party again. it means everyone have to wear red to join my birthday. evening come, i am already prepare my self. i am so excited to see everyone. everyone come with gift, and i love to open it. hehe…. eating many foods, taking photos, singing on the stage, drinking and cheering with everyone. I am totally happy and it make my day. i am so excited when everyone sing birthday song to me. can’t describe how happy i am. especially he is next to me. suddenly many of my colleagues hold one bear to me. and it’s my husband gift. on the bear hand, there are a diamond bracelet. i am so excited to see his gift. never think of he should have time to prepare me a special gift like this. i am totally love it. the night have end with happiness. some of my colleagues are drunk. hehe… one sleep on the stage, one sleep on the grass, one sleep in the car, one sit with wrong chair, and some are sleep at office. hehe…. anyways, thank you so much for everyone who making me birthday meaningful this year.
Christmas Eve
Yeah… it’s christmas eve. where is the snow? hehe…. today i should sit down at home and have dinner with family. however, nothing special in here. everything is normal. however, my husband always want to make good memory for me. he invite me to eat out. so i just accept his good will 😀 we go to have dinner at my husband favourite restaurant ” Do Fani” locate in Sofitel Hotel. we have a wonderful dinner and everything look elegant. I love the way they decorate the table and the soft music play on Christmas time.
here are some photos.
My cousin wedding
Darith is a Groom, and he is my friend. Srey Nith is a Bride, and she is my cousin. Today is their big day. i also want to Introduce Sokphoung is ” Me On Dek ” for them. hehe… My aunt so happy to see her daughter have happiness. I wish Darith can take care my cousin well 😀
This is the morning celebration photos.
The evening reception at Modiya Center J. you can recognise our family though the colour of the dress tonight. all the men and women who wear purple dress is our family. you can call everyone for help in the wedding party.
here are some photos of the wonder night
we really have fun 😀