The First Day Snow of The Year

I didn’t have car went to school today. San gives me a ride. she came to pick up me since 9 o’clock. my class started at 10.30 AM. hummm… i didn’t know what should i did during one hour and half. 🙁 when i came out from my house, san said snow is falling down. i didn’t saw anything. when we arrived school, the sky was cover by snow. it was so beautiful. i really want to play with it. unfortunately, i’m afraid i got sick because i always allegic with weather. Monday November 20 is the first day snow of the year 2007

New York City With MCC

This is the fouth time i went to New York. I didn’t feel excited like the first time i went there with my sister. there are 15 people went on the field trip. i arrived MCC at 6 o’clock in the morning. on the way, i was reading the book call “Othello” because i have a quiz soon. i didn’t talk much in the car. i just know sothea better than others students. we arrived there at 10.30 AM. we went to status of liberty frist. when we got out from car, pu tooch called our name one by one to get sandwich. i thought we might stop by a restaurant and we have beautiful lunch together as we always did on last field trip. i felt disappointed when i got a cold sandwich in my hand. haha… the line was not too long. we spent only 15 mintues to go in. we also get another ticket to go in liberty status. the time avaliable from 8.45 to 11.45 AM. i really wish to go in there. i went to NY with my sister 3 times already, but we never get a chance to go in. we took a ship go to liberty status. we arrived there at 11.40 AM. i thought we were going to miss it. i will disappointed again. when we arrived the gate of liberty status, the staff over there said they open until 3 o’clock. i really happy to hear that. we cannot go in directly becaus they not allow any foods or drink. we have to eat first. the sandwich is bad. it is cold and not delicious. we can say “nham tang tek pnek”. haha… i can only finish half of it. when we are finish our sandwich, we have to wait another line. this line is go to security place where they will check us. i feel so excited when i get in there. inside the liberty status, there are a lot of status and photos show how people build it at that time. after that, we went to ellen island. this is the second place that i want to go. everytime i came with my sister, we never stop at there. my sister said there is only old stuff in there. Ellen island is where immigrat people come to live. there are a lot of old stuff in it. we left there at 3 o’clock. we went to time squce after that. we spend 40 mintues to walk around. most of students are excited when they arrived at time squce. they think it is awesome. we left NY at 5 o’clock as we plan. i felt so tired after a long walk. most of us sleep on the car. when i get up, we arrived at Macdonal. everyone gets hamburger because we are so hungry. when we got in the car, we are not going to sleep again. we played game, sing a song, talk about stories and jokes. we have so much fun in the car. finally, we arrived MCC around 10.10 PM. i arrived home at 10.30 PM. i felt so tired. i just take shower and sleep because tomorrow i have to work 🙁

International Student Dinner at MCC

Guess what? I am a queen tonight at MCC fashion show. we have a dinner for international students at MCC start from 5 PM to 7 PM. last year, i was represent cambodia student to read a khmer poem. this year, i also dress up with traditional cambodia dress. my partner is Sothea (My brother). he is a king tonight. San is my guest as well. i was late for the dinner party. i suppose to come at 3.45 PM because i need to dress up and pratice to walk. today i can say i am very busy. i have class at 10.30 AM and finish at 12 PM. then i have to go to pick up my photo. i came back to MCC again to go to writing center. i need tutor look at my poem essay. after that i went to MAPP meeting. I’m going to be a mentor for next semester. i finished MAPP meeting at 3.00 PM then I met Pat (International advisor) because i have to hang all the documents for her. i need to apply OPT for next year working in the United States. I left MCC at 3.45PM because i have to come back home. i told my boyfriend that i will came home online with him for awhile. i can spend time talked with kun only 10 mintues. than i have to pick up san and we can go to school. I thought I’m going to be late again because i arrived MCC at 4.45 PM 😉 in contrast, everything is fine. the party start at 5PM as aganda. Pat had a bit introduction and we can eat. the foods that we have tonight is America thankgivning foods. I can say i’m so hungry because i didn’t eat since this morning. poor me! I can eat as much as i can because i have to do fashion show. my dress take more time than other countries dress. it is very difficult to wear. san and joe help me to dress up. haha… Sothea and Me are the first couple do fashion show. oh my god. i’m so nervous. I think we do well on the stage. haha… we have a group pictures and some discussions with each other. the dinner end at 7PM. I drop san at home, than i went to mall. tonight is the first time for me go to mall alone. i brought 3 shirts. 1 for my sister. pretty much tonight i have a lot of fun.

Today is my graduation day. why i am here in USA? i wish i was at NUM today. i know all my friends are happy. humm.. i think they are taking photos right now. poor me! 🙁

congratulation to all my friends at graduation ceremomy today. also, congratulation to me.

i think all my friends might miss me because they can imagine how we are happy if i was there 😀

Read It ! For Fun!

You know you are khmer when ………..

.. you always have rice cooked and ready to served in the pot

.. you have a big picture of ANGKOR WAT in your living room

.. your dad wears a sarong with no shirt on around the house ( I think old style)

.. all you use is prang kalah(tiger balm) for pain and any other discomfort

.. you have straw mats instead of carpeting around the house

.. you drive a toyota

.. you were younger and were just beaten with a stick that you had to pick off of the tree for your mom or dad. after the beating, you run off, and while you were crying and hiding in a room, you decide never to come out, then you get hungry.. and mom or dad just cooked something that smells oh-so-good like cha or something.. and then your stomach growls of starvation but your trying to stay in the room.. then all of a sudden, the angry beast (your mom or dad) walks into the room and asks if your hungry and acts like nothing happened

.. you were young, your parents would beat you with either chopsticks or hangers, until they broke or whip your ass with a belt

.. you’ve had at least one shoe thrown at your head, by your mother, when you didn’t do the dishes and/or take out the trash

.. grown ups call you, guys say baht and girls say chaah

.. everybodys your cousin

.. your backyard has a garden filled with stuff you’ll soon to be eating

.. you love pahok and try to make your friends eat it

.. you see little kids drunk off Hennessy at a wedding reception

.. there’s la hong in your garden

.. your remote has tape all around it’ve got 50 pairs of shoes outside your door.. on a regular basis

.. your feet never touch your pillows

.. one of your friends or family members come back from cambodia they bring dried fish wrapped in newspapers, and try to sell it to everyone

.. you have a family member who goes to cambodia to find a wife

.. a white person asks you to speak khmer, you talk about noodles. “Do you want to eat mi?”

.. your parents stock food for a disaster.. especially water and pahok

.. your name is almost the same as your brother’s, sister’s, and cousin’s names.

.. there is khmer related anything on tv, you call up all of your friends and family to watch it too

.. you think the word for “gay” in khmer is funny

.. your parents greet an old friend with a swear

.. your mom forces your friends to eat her food

.. people mistaken you for being filip, indian, viet, chinese or hawaiian

.. the only DVDs your parents own are cambodian karaoke ones

.. you call everybody your aunt or uncle

.. people arrive at your house while you’re having dinner, and you always force them to stay and eat

.. you never use your dishwasher, you only use it to store dishes

.. you bring the rice cooker to picnics

.. your parents always interrogate you about your friends

.. you watch khmer dubbed chinese movies

.. your family gets invited to weddings every other weekend

.. your little baby cousins know how to dance khmer.. especially when the karoake gets going..

.. your cousins know how to sapeah before they learn how to wave good bye

.. you love Bok Lahong

.. you see an apple tree on the highway. you stop, and you pick it

.. you take advantage of the free refills at McDonalds or any other place that has the same offer

.. you go eat out with a lot of your relatives and parent’s friends at a restaurant, and when it’s time to pay the bill, it takes five minutes to do so because everyone freakin’ WANTS to pay the bill even if they were just the guest

.. your parents call white people French (parange)

….you have chinese sausage and noodles for backup food.

….You don’t have family breakfast, lunch, dinner, you eat when hungry.

….If you try to have a conversation while eating you get yelled at by your parents. Eating is serious business.

…when people ask you to dance and instead of busting a move you bust into Rom Vong.

….when you dont think it is weird if adults dont ask you for your name but they ask you what’s ur parents name.

…..when spending a day in the kitchen with your mom means having yellow stained hands for 2 days from bok-ing kroeung

..your family on the beach goes into the water fully clothed, the concept of swimsuits are lost to them

..Your mom asks you if you want to “NYUM BAI,” you ask her what’s for dinner, she says “BAI…” then you have to further ask “…rice with what?” in order to find out what the real main course is.

..On that note, bai is always the main course and meat and everything else are just sides. That’s why your bowl of rice is always filled with barely any room for anything else…

Come and Play Game With Me

I bring up one game call 3 words game. i hope you guys come to play with me 😀

–> i type in 3 words.. and then the person after me continue the story by contributing 3 words.. and ONLY 3 words.. and it goes ON.. for example..


Lyka: in multiply site
PERSON 1: has a game
PERSON 2: call 3 words

i hope you guys enjoy with this game in here.


I got two poems want to share with all of you. one poem from my brother ( he is a my real brother, i respect him as brother). he live in australia. he just sent me a poem for my next brithday. haha… another poem from rose ( i know her in khmer101). she wrote the poem while i stop log in khmer101 for awhile.

Rose poem

jorn bong srey lyka

bong srey somlanh
bong saart kour khnanh
srolanh bong nas

pel bong nhor nherm
rert saart leun tve
sorm prab meas me
tha oun penh jet


I use the word forgiveness to get rid of friendship problem. these few days i thought about everything that happen between me and her. i decide to forgive everything she had done with me. i feel relax after i decide like that. on friday night, she came to apologize from me. i asked her a few questions that i wish she could answer. in contrast, she cannot answer it. she just said she didn’t know what she was doing at that time. i also didn’t care about her answer anymore because i already dicide to forgive her. whatever she answer is fine for me. i didn’t ask for right and wrong. moreover, i decide become just a normal friend with her. i feel i cannot go back to the point we used to had. i told her that we might have a chance to be close friend again but it has to take time between me and her. i feel relax after i talked to her. i can understand how happy she is. i think my friends also feel comfortable with her. she is a funny girl. she always make everyone in the group laugh. the good point is i don’t have to pretent not to see her in the work place anymore. we just act simple. however, we both seem don’t have words to say with each other. i feel i don’t know how to start saying with her. i just keep quiet when i see her. at least we can smile when we see each other. i choose to have more friends better than more enemys. am i right?

Changing Time

on November 3, 2007, i have to turn the clock backward 1 hour. in my place, day time is shorter than night time. 5 o’clock in the evening is like 7 PM. it is dark and cold. the weather is changing everyday. i don’t like the weather in here because i always get allergic to it. these few nights, i have to take medicines to protect allergic. from now on, USA is 12 hours different from cambodia and 6 hours different from France. hehe…