My New Car

Sunday is a day represent of red. red means success. hehe…. i got my car on sunday which is a good day. It is my new car but old for others. hehe.. however, i don’t like the color. humm… that is ok because i only use it for one year. moreover, the price is reasonable. i just see my car from outside. hehe… i still don’t a chance to get into it yet. all three carkeys at my brother in law. haha…

Here It Is ===> My iphone

i went to get the phone from my uncle yesterday, but i didn’t had time to post. now it’s in my hand already, however, i don’t have time to touch it yet. hehe… first of all, i have trouble with put in the sim. i cannot find the small thing to push the place where to put it in. i try the pin but it doesn’t work. the pin too soft. hehe… finally, i get toothpick, it works very well. you know what? there are a lot of applications in there. thanka vanna for helping me with many great features. now i have take sometime to study about it. haha… today i don’t go to work because it is a snowing day. i’m gonna “Kom Tech” iphone tonight. haha…

Audi A3

This is Audi A3. the car that my boyfriend is going to buy soon. I don’t like the back part of the car. it kind of an old style for me. however, i love the front part. it looks so powerful. anyways, he loves it and it is a good car in france as well. he will choose the black color which is the color i love so much. I love Audi TT, it looks so cool. however, it is so expensive. hehe…

it is not fair at all. i’m going to buy used car and he buy a new car hehe… anyways, i don’t have much money. it is the main reason. no complain then

President’s Day

today is a publish holiday. everyone has a day off. i wake up at 11.30 AM. hehe… it is lunch time already. that is a good point because i don’t have to find breakfast to eat. my sister and me plan to eat dim sum at Woburn. unfortunately, my sister’s father in law already cook. we decide to stay at home and eat Chha Spey Chu. hehe… he’s gonna blame if we go out to eat something else. after lunch, my brother in law bring us to see the car that he found on internet. i want to buy a car. i don’t want to make any trouble to anyone about tranportation. i still live here one more year, so it is good enough to buy my own car. however, i don’t have money to buy new car . i’m going to buy a used car in order to save money when i sell it back. hehe… we take half hour go to the car dealer. I’m interesting with one car (toyota corolla 1999), it is darkgreen. it looks like black. i love black color for the car. anyways, i don’t have much options. my brother in law test the car. he said the car is not good. ok, we forget about it and go back home. hehe… tonight we’re going to eat “Yao Hon”. i’m helping my sister wash all the vegetables and prepare table. that is all i can do because i cannot cook. haha… we invite my aunt and bong chanthy’s family to eat. it tests really good. i’m so full now that’s why i cannot sleep. hehe… unfortunately, i don’t have anything to take picture. anyways, my iphone is coming soon. i can’t wait to use it. haha…

Valentine’s Day 2008

for someone i love
Today is 14 Feb. It’s Valentine’s day. It about LOVE! love from someone, love from family, love from friends and love from people in the world. hehe…. I don’t feel any speail coz the one i love is not with me. last year, i got roese from tam but this year he is not here anymore. anyways, i get something speail for my sister, aunt, my sister’s parents in law and friends. it comes from my own ideas and i prepared it by myself. i hope they like it. it costs not much but it is meaningful. don’t you think so?

in this speail occassion, i wish all friends in multiply and anyone who drop by my homepage fill with love on valentine’s day. someone who has love, i wish their love is last forever. for someone still not, i wish they can find their true love soon.

for me, i wish my love is last forever! haha… and thank you big big to my family, friends, and bong kun who always encourage me all the time.

Love you all

Here is the gift for all of you

New Gloves

I was surprise by Brita (an old lady who is working with me at supermarket). she make one gloves for me. i’m so excited cause she make it specail only for me. it is valuable thing. she said it might help to keep my hand warmth than the old one. my hand always cold while i’m working during winter. i brought the gloves which has fingers cut, so i’m easy to count money. hehe… now i got a new gloves, i will try it this saturday. Britra will happy when she see i wear it.

thank Brita for your kind to me! 😀

I want to play card :-D

today is the first day of chinese new year. i wish i was in cambodia coz it time to collect red envelops. hehe… i think my family is going to somewhere to relax and have fun. they will play card after they finished lunch. playing card is a popular game during chinese new year. it is the only three days that my dad follow us to play. unfortunately, i’m not there anymore. they are going to miss one player. humm… what a pity girl? i’m doing nothing and damn bored. i really want to call my mom but i have no phone card. no one want to go out because it is raining.

what a boring chinese new year?

Water Boys

i spent two days to finish this movie. it is a great movie. it is funny and meaningful. it about friendship and hope to reach the dream. thank vanna for recommand me to watch this movie. i post the end of two parts and i hope you guys enjoy with it.″>name=”wmode” value=”transparent”>” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” wmode=”transparent” width=”425″ height=”355″>″>name=”wmode” value=”transparent”>” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” wmode=”transparent” width=”425″ height=”355″>

My Private Teacher

Working at Idylwilde make me meet a lot of customers. my private teacher is my customer. she asks me whether i want to study english. she is willing to teach me for free. she told me that she miss teaching since she retired a few years ago. she is a nice and friendly old lady. she used to visit cambodia only 3 days. she said she loves angkor wat and people are friendly. she always came to my counter, and she try to learn some simple khmer words as hi or how are you? I’m glad to teach her how to say it. hehe…. now i become her student. this tuesday i went to her house for study. she teach me how to pronounce correctly. i really bad at pronounciation and plus vocabulary. i think it is a good chance for me. we were studying about 2 hours and half, then she still cook me a lunch. it is a fast food but it is a lunch nice with her.

I’m afriad that i don’t have time to study coz i just get a full time job and plus transportation issus.

anyways, her name is Nicole