Moive Time

i just came back from the cinema. i watched a movie called ” Dr.Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who”. it is a funny animation movie, but it kinda of romance at the end. hehe… it makes me almost cry out. i still remember one sentence by an elephant name Horton. he said ” a person is a person, no matter how small it is” you guys should watch it.

good night, sleep well

My Grandmother’s 75 Birthday

Tonight it’s going to be fun fun fun in my family. my families celebrate my grandmother’s birthday at Heng Lay restaurant. there are 15 guests table. i really want to be there. my father plan to do for her since last two years, but she said she is gonna wait until she is 75. actually, my uncle and his family, my sister and brother in law and me plan go back to cambodia this year to celebrate her birthday together. she hope that all her sons and grandchildrens can join this occasion. i feel guilty about it, because i’m the only reason make them decide go to cambodia next year. i know i am a bit selfish. i just want to save some money. i really don’t want to go back with nothing even money. hehe… anyways, we plan to celebrate next year for her again. hopefully, she will happy about it. i have one plan for my grandma birthday present since i was in cambodia. i want to give someone draw her beautiful picture. anyways, i cannot do it because it is difficult to ask someone to do what i want. i give her only 75 dollars as her age. hehe… less money than what i plan. i called to my grandma last night, she sounded so happy with this occasion. some of her neigbours who live in prey veng province also come to join. they all stayed at my house.

i hope i will see my grandmother on my gratuation’s day. i used to tell her that i will buy all the fruits in america for her to teste. haha…

I wish my grandmather have good health, long life and always have fun.


I want to make a wonderful slideshow for one occasion. i don’t know which program is the best for it. i just know how to use powerpoint, but my knowlege of using it is not really good. moreover, using powerpoint, i have to get LCD to show it to everyone. that is another issue. i just want something simple, and it easy to show to everybody.

do you have any ideas of it? please recommand me.


Changing Time (Spring coming soon)

yesterday we have to turn one hour ahead. i don’t know the reason why. i think it might be season change. last night, i went to sleep at 12.30 AM. it equal 1.30 AM, and i have to wake up at 6.30 AM in order go to work. poor me! these few days i can sleep only 4 or 5 hours. my face is not fresh at all. i cannot give a sweet smile to my customers. hehe… during the work time, i always yawn. if i can count, it might be a million times. hehe… i’m thinking i’m gonna sleep 9 or 10 hours for tomorrow. unfortunately, i have to bring my brother in law go to school. he is sick. my sister afriad he feeling not well while he is driving, so i have to take care of him when my sister go to work. humm… poor him because he has a whole week exam before spring break 🙁 moroever, i have to go to my college for fashion show again. hehe… i hope it will have fun over there.

good night everyone!

Happy Birthday To My Sister (Bong Phy)

Birthday is not really a good sign because it means we are one year older. hehe… i planed to buy a new camara for my sister but i got financial crisis. the camara that i like it is expensive. humm… get over it! i can plan next year though. i bought this blink blink heart for her to put in the car. she used to tell me that she want to buy something look pretty to hang at the mirror. i hope she likes it. we will have be late birthday on this saturday. i don’t make any surprise birthday for her like last year because i have to work. hehe… i will get out early on saturday and then i can eat.

Happy Birthday To Bong Phy!

the next birthday in my family is mind. hehe… do you think i should create a red birthday party again? i have one game to play on my birthday. it is a great game ever!

Dinner with Nicole

i don’t remember the name. sorry guy! i cannot tell 🙁 i think just call it salad.

i think it calls butternut squash soup. i hope i get it right. hehe…

tonight i had a dinner with nicole after we done with class. it is a fast prepare foods because we don’t have plan to have a nice dinner together. the foods are mix from both american and franch. hehe… that is nicole told me ( i might remember it wrong). hehe… actually, i’m not really like vegetable since i was in cambodia. however, tonight i eat a lot of salad. it taste difference from my food. anyways, i love it. i think i might like vegetable when i go back to cambodia next year. hehe… moreover, my mom is gonna happy as well because she doesn’t have to force me eat vegetable anymore. after we done with our dinner, we had ginger ice-cream as our dessert. i’m going to miss Nicole and i don’t have class two weeks. she is going to visit her sister and niece in one country in Europ. poor me! i didn’t remember the country’s name. anyways, it is a nice dinner with her before she leaves.

ok, have a nice trip nicole! take care 😀

Cake Toppers

i like this kind of style. it looks cool with gun and telephone. hehe… Everyone will get marry sooner or later, and so do I. hehe… I’m thinking about something special on my future wedding’s day. i found this website these few months ago, but i didn’t post it. i want to wait until today. hehe…actually, i’m searching birthday gift for my boyfriend last year, but i love about cake topper instead of birthday gift. i think it is cute to have this kind of cake topper on the top on the wedding cake. i don’t know whether in cambodia has this kind of cake topper. i will find out with my friends before i order it. actually, i just want to make an extra special on the day which we are hardly to forget. hopefully, i will get it, and plus with some ideas will coming later. i also hope everyone is not crazy about my ideas.

Do you think it is great to have this kind of cake topper?

here is the link of website:

Air plane contest

last night there was an air plane contest at my workplace. it is just a funny game. everyone who wants to join the contest has to make an air plane paper. the leads limit the border and the line where everyone can stand. most of us are join the game. there are two rounds of contest. each round has three persons win. i win the first round. hehe… i don’t know where i get the power from. i used to make air plane when i was young. however, i don’t know i can throw it far like that. hehe… that is great! anyways, the prize not really good at all. haha… there are two choice of prizes. one is the T-shirt from 2007 and second is bottle which has google logo on it. haha… i think this contest my leads set it up. it just for fun couse it is Friday. hehe… anyways, i am win