First Day of Swim

Yeah… Big news to myself and everyone here. I CAN SWIM 😀 I’m so excited when i realize that i can move without anyone hold. i have three coach (chloe, lucy, and chloe’s friend). they are the best and very encourage. without them, i don’t know when i can learn how to swim. i hope i can learn fast because they will back to school soon. tomorrow i will have swimming class again. i hope the weather will be nice, otherwise we will cancel our class again. 🙁

thank nicole for asking your two lovely daughters to teach me.

Get Mad with Barber

i had hair cut on sunday. i really get mad with barber, because she cut my hair too short. i already told her many times before she cut my hair. she seems didn’t understand what i want. God… i really look terrible with this short hair. every time i want to cut my hair, i really wish that barber does good. i know that i’m not look good at short hair, that’s why i never cut my hair short. hehe… but not this time 🙁 i will never go back to this cambodian hair salon again. anyways, my sister said i’m look fine. properly, it just my feeling because i don’t like short hair. hehe…  

Introducing My New Skin Care Product

today i did a lot of things. i went to work. i went to hospital. i am cooked, i went to Mall. i went to study at Nicole’s house. that is a busy day for me. I went to mall with my friend (Nara). she recommend me use this kind of product. it works well with her, so i want to try something new as well. i look older than my age nowadays. 🙁 the staffs over there gave me 5 product of skincare that i have to use everyday. hehe… she made a list for me, so i won’t forget how to use it. haha… moreover, there are extra products to try. if i like it, i can buy later. wow… i hope it will works with me 😀

Emergency Room

I’m at home alone. the rest of them are in the hospital. 🙁 this evening, my sister’s mother in law went to emergency room. she has stomach ache. when she got in hospital, she has a very high fever. we really don’t know what wrong with her. i already went to visit her a few hours ago, and i just bought some rice soup for them. i think no one come back home to eat my rice soup. i want to make a complain about one nurse over there. she is so rude. she is not america and not cambodia. she looks like chinese. while i’m in emergency room with them, the nurse came to check my sister’s mother in law temperature. she said “Put under your tongue” with a loud voice. i looked at my sister’s face. i told my sister that she is not polite at all. i think maybe she doesn’t know how to say “Excuse me” or something nice before she tell her. 

I pray for her good health and i wish she better soon 🙂 

New Sunglasses

I went to Burlington Mall with San on Monday. our purpose is go to buy sunglasses. we tried a lot of kinds of sunglasses. finally, i got one. San said it is the only one look good on me. hehe…  😀 for me, it looks ok. however, we didn’t have enough time to look at other stores. 

New Sunglasses

I went to Burlington Mall with San on Monday. our purpose is go to buy sunglasses. we tried a lot of kinds of sunglasses. finally, i got one. San said it is the only one look good on me. hehe…  😀 for me, it looks ok. however, we didn’t have enough time to look at other stores. 

New Sunglasses

I went to Burlington Mall with San on Monday. our purpose is go to buy sunglasses. we tried a lot of kinds of sunglasses. finally, i got one. San said it is the only one look good on me. hehe…  😀 for me, it looks ok. however, we didn’t have enough time to look at other stores. 

New Sunglasses

I went to Burlington Mall with San on Monday. our purpose is go to buy sunglasses. we tried a lot of kinds of sunglasses. finally, i got one. San said it is the only one look good on me. hehe…  😀 for me, it looks ok. however, we didn’t have enough time to look at other stores. 

Music Class

Today is my first day and first time for me to learn how to play music. i am really exciting. bong Tra is my teacher. he is a keyboard player. he has a band call “Naughty”. he can play guitar, keyboard, and more. bong Tra is Na’s brother. there are two persons in the class. me and bong tra’s cousin. i really want to play piano. now i can have a chance to learn keyboard. Bong Tra tell me keyborad and piano is almost the same. today i learn how to play Birthday song and learn how to read music language.