Happy New Year 2014

Happy New Year everyone 2014!

What is your new year resolution? me? err…. i don’t know any new year resolution. hehe… however, i will work harder for sure.

Today is my father’s birthday. actually, it’s not his real birthday. he doesn’t know when he was born, he just put it 01/01 for easy to remember. hehe… but we still celebrate birthday for him.

i choose Naga world ” French restaurant- Le Gourmet” to celebrate my father’s birthday. the reason i choose expensive restaurant, cause i want them to try the high class restaurant in Phnom Penh. I love this restaurant, cause it has khmer music instrument and I hope they enjoy as i do.

again when i have special occasion, my boss alway stay late. so i can’t come early. everyone is hungry, especially the kids. hehe…

my grandma, dad, and mom seem don’t enjoy the french food much. they love rice than bread. 🙂

here are some photos of us

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here are the foods we have

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Finally, i got a surprise gift from my hubby. Guess what he got for me?

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Thanks honey for beautiful ring. I do love it 😀

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