It’s the last day of 2012. we all excited about new year is coming. for me, i still on duty with work. today i go to Presh Vihear to see football Match in my company. i spend the whole morning over there. the match is really fun to see. it has been long time that i never see the real match, even this football match is between staffs in company Pursat and Prash Vihear. Pursat win Preas Vihear 2-1.
after the match, we head off Pras Vihear at 2 PM. arrive Phnom Penh at 6.30 PM to continue our count down party at Cambodiana Hotel.
we finish our count down party at 1 AM. i think i don’t have much fun at count down party. sokun was so tired. he didn’t want to dance, and i did 🙁 anyways, it already end that way.