I miss your smile in the morning
I miss the word ” good morning” from your mouth
I miss your call from the bathroom ” give the towel to me”
I miss your face when i apply the lotion on it
I miss your voice whenever you ask for socks
I miss your kiss before you leave home to workplace
I miss the ring bell when you come back
I miss your weird smile when you come home from work
I miss the time we listen to RFA together
I miss the snack we eat when we watch short khmer comedy on internet
I miss your question ask me ” would you want to go outside?”
I miss our Audi TT
I miss your tired snore when you sleep at noon
I miss your hurry action when you know you will be late again
I miss your telephone around 9 ask me ” what are you doing? what do you have for dinner?”
I miss your telephone around 10.30 tell me you will be back soon and ask for food when you are hungry
I miss your telephone call tell me “honey, you don’t have to eat dinner a lot. i will hurry back home to have dinner with you”
I miss our red wine at supper time
I miss our laugh when we watch khmer comedy
I miss the red sofa when we lay on to watch movie
I miss your hug when i am afraid of horror movie that you play
I miss your funny words when i brush my teeth before go to bed
I miss the red bed in our bed room
I miss your bed time stories
I miss your mocking words on my face
I miss your ” Krob Bek” stories. haha…
I miss your body that i always give a massage every night before sleep
I miss your arm and chest that i alway lay on
I miss your soft words ask me ” where do i go?” when i wake up at night
I miss your comfort words when i have a nightmare, you always said ” it is ok, it just a dream”
I miss your action when you wake up and ask me sleep next to you
I miss your peace snore at night
I miss the sound of several alarm clock in the morning, but we always get up until the last alarm clock.
I miss you
I really miss you
I do miss you……
Hello Ms. Lyka. I am Lyda Chea, a senior student at the Department of Media and Communication. I am currently doing a research thesis, submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Bachelor of Arts in Media Management, on “Cambodian female bloggers”. It would be very appreciated if I can conduct an e-mail interview with you regarding your personal experiences from using blog.
Your blog has been randomly selected, yet your full approval for participating in this study is prioritized. Therefore, would you mind confirming your participation in this research study within a week either through my e-mail address lyda.dmc.ifl@gmail.com/ lyda_tva@yahoo.com or through my telephone number 012 381 571 for clarification?
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Sincerely yours,