She bought me a sweatshirt when we went to mall yesterday. she said she bought for my aunt. actually, she wants me to wear the same sweatshirt with her. haha… this afternoon she gave me a post card. i opened it, and read me in front of my boyfriend. my tear start to drop down as i read it. i know i’m too much emotional. however, my sister rarely write me a long postcard. it is a touching post card from her. my boyfriend keeps asking me what is wrong. i said nothing. i told him what my sister write for me. i cannot finish, because i am keep crying. haha…. i don’t know what is 44 mean to her for me. I think 4 is dollar sign on keyboard. haha… she might want to wish me wealthy after marry 😀 i will ask her the meaning tomorrow. let’s see what is she explain.
I discuss with my boyfriend a few days ago about what kind of gift should i buy for them. for me, I want to buy ipod touch for them. however, my boyfriend said he will go to mall soon. if he think of something else useful than ipod. we can change it. today he said I can order ipod touch, because he can’t think of anything else. therefore, tonight i just order a ipod-touch 8G for them with my wonderful engraving on it. i hope they love it when it is arrive.
tonight i want to say : You are my a good brother in law and sister 😀