New Sunglasses

I went to Burlington Mall with San on Monday. our purpose is go to buy sunglasses. we tried a lot of kinds of sunglasses. finally, i got one. San said it is the only one look good on me. hehe…  😀 for me, it looks ok. however, we didn’t have enough time to look at other stores. 

Music Class

Today is my first day and first time for me to learn how to play music. i am really exciting. bong Tra is my teacher. he is a keyboard player. he has a band call “Naughty”. he can play guitar, keyboard, and more. bong Tra is Na’s brother. there are two persons in the class. me and bong tra’s cousin. i really want to play piano. now i can have a chance to learn keyboard. Bong Tra tell me keyborad and piano is almost the same. today i learn how to play Birthday song and learn how to read music language.