this is the first time for me to join engagement in here. my family was invited by the bride’s aunt. i thought i didn’t know many people. in contrast, i know most of people join this event. i was surprise when i saw the groom. haha…. he used to follow one of my friend. 😀 when i saw him, i said congratulation. he told me that he unable to tell me directly. he asked the bride’s aunt to invite me. i said it is ok. the most surprise for me is the groom-mate. he used to bother me as well. haha… i think the world so small in here 😀 oh… one more thing is food. the food very very good. i’m really full until i cannot sit down. i know i’m fat right now. i feel very tight when i ware that yellow clothes. haha… i should diet now 😛
after that i went to mall with my sister and brother in law, and two of their friends. i bought one electronic key chain for san. today is her birthday.
at nearly 2 o’clock, we drove to ning theara’s friend house at Worcester. my brother in law didn’t know that his friend (Bong Vireak) invited him for New house party. bong vireak told my brother in law that it just party with friends. actually, i’m not invited, but i want to see bong vireak. haha… my brother in law used to work with him a few months, and every time my brother in law came back home. he brought a lot of funny stories to share with me and my sister. the stories came from bong vireak. this is the reasons that i am really want to see his face. haha…. when i met him, i want to say wow…. it just like ” le ke ni yeay 10 min smer khenh 1 dong) haha…. he is Prum Manh number 2. i laugh a lot and eat a lot as well. the foods is pretty good. we left bong vireak’s house around 6 o’clock. i still have another party with my friend at workplace. they want to eat soup, because today is a san birthday. unfortunately, Ramy cannot come, and i also late. so they decided to cancel it.
in sum up, today i eat a lot and laugh a lot. haha…. i think this is a sign of fat like my sister said.