yesterday we have to turn one hour ahead. i don’t know the reason why. i think it might be season change. last night, i went to sleep at 12.30 AM. it equal 1.30 AM, and i have to wake up at 6.30 AM in order go to work. poor me! these few days i can sleep only 4 or 5 hours. my face is not fresh at all. i cannot give a sweet smile to my customers. hehe… during the work time, i always yawn. if i can count, it might be a million times. hehe… i’m thinking i’m gonna sleep 9 or 10 hours for tomorrow. unfortunately, i have to bring my brother in law go to school. he is sick. my sister afriad he feeling not well while he is driving, so i have to take care of him when my sister go to work. humm… poor him because he has a whole week exam before spring break 🙁 moroever, i have to go to my college for fashion show again. hehe… i hope it will have fun over there.
good night everyone!