today is a publish holiday. everyone has a day off. i wake up at 11.30 AM. hehe… it is lunch time already. that is a good point because i don’t have to find breakfast to eat. my sister and me plan to eat dim sum at Woburn. unfortunately, my sister’s father in law already cook.
we decide to stay at home and eat Chha Spey Chu. hehe… he’s gonna blame if we go out to eat something else. after lunch, my brother in law bring us to see the car that he found on internet. i want to buy a car. i don’t want to make any trouble to anyone about tranportation. i still live here one more year, so it is good enough to buy my own car. however, i don’t have money to buy new car
. i’m going to buy a used car in order to save money when i sell it back. hehe… we take half hour go to the car dealer. I’m interesting with one car (toyota corolla 1999), it is darkgreen. it looks like black. i love black color for the car. anyways, i don’t have much options. my brother in law test the car. he said the car is not good. ok, we forget about it and go back home. hehe… tonight we’re going to eat “Yao Hon”. i’m helping my sister wash all the vegetables and prepare table. that is all i can do because i cannot cook. haha… we invite my aunt and bong chanthy’s family to eat. it tests really good. i’m so full now that’s why i cannot sleep. hehe… unfortunately, i don’t have anything to take picture. anyways, my iphone is coming soon. i can’t wait to use it. haha…