I wake up at 8 AM in the morning because i have to preview my final exam. i left home at 10 AM because my exam start at 10.30 AM. on the way go to school, i hit one car in front of me.
actually, i am nearly arrive my school’s garage. it has only one way more. I don’t know what is happen with my car as well. i know i’m going to hit that car because i cannot stop my break. i shout and close my eyes when my car is going to hit another one. when i open my eyes, i saw the owner of that car get out. i am shock and my heart run fast. i am really don’t know how to do. there is another car in front of the car i hit. i guess the first car is alright that’s why she just get out and look at her car. she talked with the owner of the car hit for awhile, then she just go. he turn to see his car at the back. i think his car look alright. he told me that it is gonna be ok. i felt relief. i know i’m totally wrong. then he said he need my driver licenes in case his car has problem. he asked me whether i have driver licence or not. hehe… he write down my name, driver licence and phone number. he also give me his name card. i think he is a kind person. you know what? his car is BMW. hehe… when i get in my car, i am so afraid to start. i drive very very slow. i thought maybe my luck cause just now i drive slow. i’m not in the mood of hurry. i don’t want to imagine if i drive as normal or in the high way. now i understand why my mom always blame at me. hehe… the garage is full. i wait about 5 mintues, then i look at the clock. it is 5 mintues late already. i back up my car and try to find the space to park. i drive to the front of my college because i think it might be have some space. unfortunately, it also full. i’m so careful with my driving at this time because i’m afraid i will hit another car. i feel so sad because i cannot find the place to park. I don’t know a lot of places around my campus. i know only two places that i can park. i try to park both side along the road but it is full of snow. now i have no idea what to do with my car. i saw one car go to park on the right side of the road, so i follow that car. i just shut down my car machine. one lady come to knock the door. she said i cannot park here because another car will hit mine. i told her that i cannot find the place and today is my final exam. i just want to park only 1 hour. she said no. i feel so sad but i have no choice. i drive back to the first garage that i wait the frist time. i saw every car get it. i feel so happy. when i drive in, they stop from one car a head of me. i shout in car please don’t stop.
I wait at least 15 mintues. i really cannot keep my mind stable. i pretend preview my exam in the car while i’m waiting. but i cannot concentrate. i really want to leave the car and go. finally, one man come to take the sign out. i already loss feeling. i was late 50 mintues. i have only 40 mintues to do exam. there are 2 part of final exam. part 1 has 8 questions and part 2 is essay. i already done with my essay at home and i have learn it my heart. my professor allow to bring the outline to class because we have to quote sentences from the books. we have to write from 5 to 7 paragrapes. i do the part 2 frist because it already in my mind. when i begin to write, i feel my hand shake. when i finished part 2, there are only 10 mintues left. i can only finished 5 questions and i think the answer is not good as well. i feel not happy. i know i won’t fail but i don’t have a good grade.
i really afraid to come back home because my sister’s father in law car is broke some places. he let me drive his car go to work and school and no one has accident. i am the only one in the first list. anyways, my sister and brother in law said it is ok because it is snow. the road is slip. i always hear people said that it is difficult to drive when it is snow. i already drive on the snow these few days ago, and i think it is ok. however, it is the first time for me. now i know the reason they complain. i also know i am less careful on driving. i always listen to music, talking on the phone, dancing (sometime) and chatting if i have someone with me. from now on, i have to drive slow and more careful.