Halloween Day

pumpkin face

kids come to trick or treat
is it cute?

with bonnies

Halloween day is a fun holiday is USA. i went to work late 20 mintues because i brought my sister went to school. there were some staff in my workplace dress up came to work. Bonnies and petter were dress up in finance department. Bonnies is a witch and petter is a man with big nose. hehe… i really enjoy watched them. i left my workplace early at 4PM. all my friends didn’t want to go out. i asked them the day before halloween, but they said they don’t know. i decide to stay at home with my sister give away candys to the kids. i didn’t have any custome to wear, so i painted my face with a litter ghost and pumpkin. trick or treat time start from 6 to 8 PM. i stayed at home waiting for kids came and knocked the door. they are dress up with differences custome. eveyone looks cute and scaring. hehe… i really enjoy watching at them. when my aunt and cousins came to my house, i went out with them. i got one bag of candys. i came back home around 7.30 PM, then i continues online with kun. he had been waiting for me almost two hours already. last year, i went out with san. this year she didn’t come because she was busy. this is how i spent my halloween day. i don’t know if i could enjoy it next year or not.

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