we have been marriage for 5 years already. this 5 year we have been though good and bad things together. it’s such a meaningful life. I learn a lot of life experiences. knowing about different people. solving a lot of problems at work and life. we always move on even how hard it is.
Today is our 5th anniversary. I choose Sang Sa island is our destination to celebrate. it costs 2350$ per night, but it’s worth to celebrate our important day. moreover, i think we can’t go far away as well due to our work. so SANG SA Island is the best place to enjoy.
due i got a lot of work, i don’t have time to buy any gift for us. actually, i am thinking to buy couple rings, but i never have chance to get out from office and choose the rings for us 🙁 too bad, but i do get couple t-shirt for us 🙂
we get up in the morning. dress up our couple t-shirt and ready to go. on the way, i wish boss not calling or anything could happen during our trip ^-^ we arrive KSP port just in time. my husband park his car, then we have to continue our trip with speed boat. it’s 45 min from port to Song Sa island. on the boat, there is a telling stories from the staff on the boat. I am so excite and can’t wait to see there. arriving Song Sa island. we are welcome by manager and the welcome drink. after that one staff bring us to our room. the room is well organise and nice decoration. hearing our wedding songs from the door, i am so surprise. actually they play my wedding video with their iPad connect with TV. how cool is it! can’t believe the staffs over there can do like this 🙂 it makes our day just a little thing they make. moreover, i can’t take off my eyes from the room we got. the first time, we just take photos, and video. we seem don’t take of anything. hehe…. the room is perfect. we got one big bed, one living room, one bathroom and bathtub with flowers inside, and yeah we got our private swimming pool. how cool! we seem so excited about our room 🙂 Song sa island is two hour ahead from main land (KPS). therefore, lunch time already pass, but we can alway order foods 24 hour in room service. this is a great service ever 😉 we start to open the menu and order anything we want. Foods and Drink are free. we spend the whole afternoon in our sweet room. enjoy every moment we have in there. it’s a very private and peaceful to enjoy the holiday. I think i choose the right place to celebrate, even it’s a bit expensive.
the sun go down. tonight we have a romantic dinner at the beach. one table and candles around lighting up above us. we got a private service, just for us 🙂 holding his hand and remind about our love stories. i feel so in love with him. talking about how we try so hard in our life, so that we have today. i am so proud what he do for me. i don’t want tonight end so soon. i feel so relax, without thinking any pressure from work. wish i could have everyday like this? hehe…. ok, the food is great, and the service is awesome. plus the atmosphere is romance. totally is the best anniversary ever.
tonight is not going to end like this. arriving our home, they already prepare something special for us. like anniversary cake and a bottle of champagne , flowers in the bathtub light up with the candles, and a beautiful bed 🙂 then we ready to celebrate our 5th anniversary. good night from Song Sa Private Island.
I try to wake my husband up in the early morning. is it call early at 8 AM? hehe…. I already order our breakfast in room, cause this morning we are going to explore the Song Sa Island. Finish our breakfast, we are ready for our snorkelling. I never think that i can do snorkelling, cause i don’t know how to swim. yeah… they do have a coach. at first i feel so nervous. don’t know how to breath with that mask ( I don’t know what it call, just call it’s mask anyway. hehe… ) my husband is fine. he used to wear that, even he don’t know how to swim. but me is a big trouble. ok, my husband starting to enjoy seeing the fishes , coral and everything under the sea. Me? still holding the coach hand so tight. hehe…. I am so pity of him. anyway, thing is going well when i try to relax myself not to afraid of drowning. finally, i can do it. I feel like i am live in another world. the world of the sea like in the TV. a lot of fishes swimming one group pass by one group. there are many colours. it’s so beautiful. talking about coral, they do have many colours as well. i alway think that coral has only one colour is white. silly me, until i see it in here. i am so happy to see and experience something new that i never think of i have a chance to do it. you can imagine how i feel at that time. i will be back one day 🙂
fun time is finish. it’s time to relax our foot. we got 30 min foot message in our package. we want to add some more min, but it’s too expensive to spend. hehe…. ok, then we go to visit Koh Bong. actually, Song Sa island is Koh Oun and Koh Bong combine together. the owner only develop Koh Oun and Koh Bong is just an island with forest. and people love to go there seeing the birds.
ok, the whole morning is end. it’s lunch time. we spend our lunch time in one restaurant (forget what it’s call) it’s big and beautiful setting. the staffs are friendly and helpful. however, time run so fast. it’s time to go back 🙁 wish i can extend one more day. hehe….
time to say good bye and see you next time Song Sa island. I am really a wonderful time celebrate my anniversary. it’s totally meaningful 🙂
Happy Our 5th Anniversary
K & P