Today I have appointment with my doctor. There are many question to ask before delivery date. Me and my husband already decide to take 27 August is my due date. Before I meet my doctor, there is a heartbeat check up. The nurse bring me to another room. At that room, there is a monitor and I have to lay down on bed. There is a belt to wrap on to my belly. The nurse said she will put around 30 min. After done, I will see my doctor after that. 30 min is passs, the result of checking come. The nurse said I got contraction very often. This is my first time, so I am not really get what is contraction feel. I alway follow my doctor give me direction how to count it. But everyday I count only a few contraction, cause I don’t know about it. After the nurse report to my doctor, my doctor ask to check again. So I lay down another 1 hour to make sure. The result still the same. My doctor told I will give birth tonight or tomorrow. After I hear that, I feel nervous. My hand keeps shaking and my blood pressure over 200. I decide to stay in hospital, cause I don’t know what is going to happen next. In hospital the nurse keep put the belt on me, taking my blood to check, and checking my blood pressure. Since I am so nervous and worry about the time I will do c-section, my doctor call me he told me not to think about anything Just relax. Tomorrow I will do c-section on 8 am and I will see my twin face. I stop worry about the time from ចិនសែ ឫ ក៏លោក . All I need to do is rest well and prepare myself for tomorrow. My husband sleep next to me and give me encouragement.
good night my last day of pregnancy